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The water from the shower was very cold as it ran down my naked body. I shivered on its touch, as without the sun up, the surrounding was cold. I cleaned myself and let the water flow down, not caring about the fact that it was being wasted. I was rather in deep thought. Adapting to this new lifestyle, learning things I have never ever heard of was hard for me. Especially, all those weird ancient words, they just crawled above my head.

"Sarah!" Eliza knocked on the basthroom-door. I was quickly bought back into reality.

"Yes, Eliza. I m coming!" I sighed. There starts my day! I quickly turned off the shower and wash myself with a towel. Suddenly, a black, faded shadow casts over me. I turn around to find nothing but a closed window. My heart rate exceeds, and my brows join in confusion. Covering myself with the towel, I walk towards the window, carefully, tip-toeing on my toes. But to my surprise, not a soul was to be seen through the window, not even a bird or a butterfly.I gasped, suddenly fear taking over me.

Fear will be your greatest enemy, fate will change it all. Elizabeth's words hovered around my mind. I shuddered, reminding myself to remain calm. Turning on my heel, I walk out to my room, the towel wrapped around my chest. As I searched for clothes, my mind searched for possibilities as to who could've been there. There was a shadow, and I knew, someone was probably out there, keeping an eye on me. Who could it be? Merely dismissing that thought, I settle for a navy skirt and a golden halter top. I let my long hair fall down on my shoulder, the tips resting just above my breasts. I already knew what Eliza would say about it all, and so, with a smirk, I set out for another boring yet exciting day.


"Don't you think you are dressed way too sophisticatedly for the task?" Eliza asked as soon as I approached her. I grinned, it was what I thought she would ask. And I had an answer ready.

"Guess I like to be sophisticated!" I exclaimed. Eliza rolled her eyes, playfully.

"Now, come then, let us both get sophisticated, huh?" Elizabeth grinned, pouring water into a large shallow plate. God knew where she found all those utensils.

I frowned at the thought of chanting magical words and lifting up things in the air, but then, I also knew I had to do it. "Yes, please," I replied.

A week had passes by since Elizabeth finally gave away the truth about my true self. All those days, I have been doing only one task : raising different sizes of stones. It was an easy task, though, I could lift a stone as heavy as 4kg. I was glad at myself for accomplishing my first level task, but level of the task increased from easy to hard. Next, I was to lift water, the way Eliza showed me the first day.

"So, you ready?" Eliza asked, finishing her task of pouring water. I nodded, though a little scared. Lifting water was not an easy task, Eliza had said. "Good, you remember what I said right? Clear your mind, concentrate on lifting the water, utter the word and . . don't break your concentration, even if you get super excited. Okay?" The bossy side of Eliza was back.

"Okay." I nodded. Eliza took her place just beside me and I cleared off my mind from other thoughts. I tried filling my mind with water, floating water.

"Now repeat after me : rïsa du adurna!" Eliza's voice echoed in my ear.

"Rïsa du adurna," I repeated, without breaking my concentration. And then, I waited, moving my hand outward and in a spirally motion, upward, just like Elizabeth had done. Alas! No amount of water was raised. I sighed. It was my fifth time in two days, and no, I could still not do it.

"Eliza! It's not happening!" I complained, dropping my hand.

"Don't worry, it will," she said.

I frowned, "No! I just can't do it!"

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