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You know, there comes a time in life when you wish you were dead, but God doesn't allow you to.

And that was what was happening with me.

I thought I was dead, but I was hearing voices. Shouts. Tears. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't. A strange force held them shut. I tried speaking, but my throat was dry. All I saw was red. Red crimson blood. And I saw Eliza crawling towards me, asking me help. She was all covered in blood. And behind her was Christopher, with a dagger covered with blood, coming forth to kill me.

And that scene was enough to get me up from death.

Well I was not dead. However much I wished to be, I wasn't. Once my eyes snapped open, I saw numerous faces. Tons of faces; fair and dark, long and short, chubby and thing, different types of faces. All staring down at me. But the one face I couldn't see was that usual chubby fair face of Elizabeth. My grandmother. The reason was, she was dead. I practically killed her.

"No!" I jumped up on the bed. People around me were startled.

"Annabeth!" A lady with brown hair and grey eyes reached up and placed her hands on my shoulder.

"Where am I?" I asked that all familiar question. Where was I? I turned my head to my right and I saw a mirror. I saw me, with dark patches under my eyes and my beautiful, long hair a bird's nest. I quickly looked to my left. I saw a window, and a barren land.

Barren land.

"Annabeth, you are safe here," that lady spoke again.

Safe. "Who are you? Where is Elizabeth" I barked, shrugging off her hand.

She turned to the other members present in that room. When she finally faced me, a sad smile lingered her face.

"She is no more. . ."

That sentence. She is no more. That sentence was a life ender. Tears welled up in my eyes. "What do you mean no more?!" I yelled, getting off the bed.

The room had a golden carpeted floor. A huge chandelier hung in the middle. The walls contained pictures of royal value. In an instant, I knew I was in the castle.

"Where is she?!" I shouted again, turning back to the waiting crowd.

"Anna," another lady came forward, "Your majesty she's not here amongst us anymore." She said.

Your majesty.

That made me realise the truths that were revealed in the last minute. I was a princess, she informed. And after that moment, so much have changed. Sure, ever since that day in the forest I was attacked, my life had changed a complete one eighty. From a simple, normal girl, I became the heir to the throne of the Spine kingdom. How paranoid, right?

And that gave me more tears.

"She can't," I gulped, "be dead!"

"Well, she is. And you can't do anything about it now," a boy spoke.

With a blurred vision, I looked up to see the speaker. He was a boy, probably my age. And his clothes resembled that of Christo - a prince.

"Neville!" A lady hissed at him.

"I'm right, aren't I?" The boy, Neville spoke.

I pursed my lips and wiped away my tears, knowing I had to let it go. It hurt, but sometimes, you've got to do the hurtful. "Yes," I spoke, " he is indeed."

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't stop my tears. Neville advanced towards me, everyone did. Without unable to take it anymore, I clutched onto Neville's arm and broke down in front of everyone.

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