Chapter 18

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I padded through the clearing underneath the stars, searching for Hollyflower. I looked everywhere, but nothing was familiar.

"Brightpelt, Hollyflower, help me!" I called helplessly.

"Shh." crooned a familiar voice near my ear, and the smell of pine and lilacs wafted around me.

"Brightpelt, where am I?" I wailed.

"I will tell you, my son." she meowed, appearing next to me.

"Mother." I whispered, burying myself in her golden, starry fur.

"Follow me." she whispered, and we bound uphill. She didn't glance back to see if I was coming, but I could keep up. I followed her until we came to a thorn barrier.

I squeezed through and found myself in a clearing, with several dens in the edges, and a tall rock with a den underneath in the middle. I'm in BlazeClan.

I opened my eyes and stood slowly, stretching. What does it mean? I wanted to cry out loud, but I stayed silent. So, my mother showed me the way to BlazeClan territory. So what?

I shook my head and climbed out of the den. It's almost sunhigh. Sighing, I padded over to the fresh-kill pile and chose a plump mouse, devouring it in a couple of bites.

"Here's the sunhigh sleeper! You almost made a record!" Shadowpelt teased me, padding up to my side.

"The sunhigh sleeper can change Arrow's moss for him." Ashstar sniffed, displeased. I glance up, surprised. I'm doing a job for apprentices!

"Sorry, Ashstar." I murmured.

"Go on now!" the leader hissed, shooing me away. I slipped through the entrance to the elder's den.

"About time!" Arrow sniffed, moving off of the moss bed. I quickly picked up the bundle of moss so that I could hold my tongue.

I discard the pile and stormed off to a place I knew as an apprentice to get moss. It was a shady area, and had a lot of moss.

I picked up a new bundle of moss, making sure to shake the water out of it. I went back to the camp and gave Arrow his bundle of moss.

"I knew your father." Arrow tells me before I could leave. Attention well captured, I sat in front of him. Arrow smiles, a rare occasion for the old former rogue.

"Tell me about my father." I beg like a kit that needs more love.

"Swift was a good cat. We were a team, handsome and strong. We were the kings of all the alleys," he adds a little more quietly, "and all the she-cats."

"Go on!" I urge excitedly.

"Blade didn't like that. He was a cruel, terrible cat who wanted all the power. He injured us and drove us out. Swift and I traveled away and were too weak to catch food."

"How did you find the clan?" I ask.

"Your mother saw us just outside of the border. She took pity on us and led us here. She begged Brownstar to let us stay, and he did."

"Ashstar was deputy then, right?" I ask.

"Right. He was Ashfur then." the elder answers. Suddenly, there was a shuffling outside of the den.

"Stormheart, you've been in there nine lifetimes!" Shadowpelt meowed to cover up his mistake. I let out a mrrow of laughter.

"You should go." Arrow says. He adds sadly, "You know the rest."

I sigh. Yes, I know the rest.

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