[AmpGunachi] We Are Grandpa Now

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"Grandpa plsss, don't tell my parents that I'm dating."

His grandson is begging for him. Amp smiles, accept his request.

"But you can't cover it for long time, Fiat." Said Gunachi. " And it's serious matter if your papa find that his worker is dating with his son. "

"I know! He's planning to resign after few months."

"How?" Gunachi is curious.

"I have a house at Hong Kong. I rent out the house and collect rental monthly for part of the earnings. Maybe I'll be personal gym trainer after resign. Fiat can be gym trainer too!"

His grandson's boyfriend told the grandpas how they meet and fall in love.

"Surely your brothers and cousins have boyfriends or girlfriends too right?"

"How did you know that, grandpa???" Fiat is shock.

Gunachi laughs. "Your father used to have their boyfriend when they go to high school! Although I banned them for being in a relationship, they still manage to cover that!"

Amp continues his husband's word. "They might discovered your relationship but they just keep silent."

After chatting for a while, Fiat and his boyfriend bid goodbye to his grandpas and leave.

"Time passes so fast! It's time for our grandson being in a relationship!"

"Yeah," Amp brings another coffee for Gunachi. "I heard that there's a new open butterfly park nearby our house. Shall we go to take a look?"

"Sure, why not?" Amp packs his belongings.

"I would've know you'll agree so I've bought the ticket online."

They move to the park and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

"Let me take this photo and share it on Facebook."

Amp takes his phone and snap on the butterfly.

They used to be a gay couple when LGBTQ+ community was banned at the whole world. However, they didn't break up. They choose to continue their relationship.

Amp and Gunachi even opened a company named "GMM". After years of running, the company is the biggest and most successful company in Thailand.

"I love you, dear." Gunachi grins.

"Me too, honey." Amp pinches his husband's cheek.

-To be continue-

Comment under this chapter if you have other GMM couples you want for a story.

I'll start another fanfic which is about Studio Wabi Sabi's couple!

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