3) Hatred - Part 1

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Summary : Y/N is Natasha's sister and a spy just like her. She is a part of the Avengers and gets along with everyone, except for the genius, playboy, billionaire and philanthropist Tony Stark. They always argue over the smallest things and everyone thinks that they hate each other. However, when Y/N gets injured in a mission, things change drastically.

Word count : 900+

Warnings : swearing (angst)


*knock, knock*

You heard all of a sudden, so you yawned, opening your eyes and trying to adjust to the strong light that was coming through the curtains.

"What?" you groaned loudly, not liking when people disturbed your sleep.

"Y/N, it's Bruce. You need to come down quickly. Nat and you must go on another mission." the person behind the door replied.

"Ok, ok... I'll be down in a minute." you sighed as you got out of bed. Looking at the clock, you noticed it was 9:30 in the morning, which wasn't that late, especially since it was Sunday. You had a few plans for today, but it seemed you had to change them.

After taking a shower, brushing your teeth and changing into your spy suit, you went downstairs, in the living room, only to be greeted by all the avengers (except for Stark), who were either sitting on the couch or standing.

"Morning, Y/N" Steve greeted, smiling softly.

"Good morning" you replied. "Sorry for being late"

"It's alright. Take a seat." Nat told you, patting the space next to her. You did as she told you and looked at everyone, waiting for an explanation. However, before your sister could add anything else, you heard some steps approaching.

Tony stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw everyone gathered in the living room.

"What the f-"

"Language!!" Steve cut him off, before he could curse.

"What happened? Who died?" Tony asked in confusion, leaning against the wall.

"Nobody, Tones." Bruce replied. "It's about another mission. We need to gather new information and the only ones capable of helping us are Nat and Y/N."

Tony snorted, taking a few steps closer.
"You're joking, right? This buttface is too clumsy and will make things worse instead of actually helping." he laughed, pointing to you.

"Fuck you, Stark!" you snapped, getting up to punch him, only to be stopped by Nat.

"Oh, you wish you could, sweetheart." he smirked, sending you a wink, only to annoy you even more.

"No, thanks. I'm pretty sure even my pinkie is bigger than your dick." you answered back, making the others laugh and earning a glare from him.

"You seem so sure of yourself, babe. Why don't we check to see if you're right, shall we?" he sassed, getting ready to unbuckle his belt, while everyone widened their eyes.

"Stop right there, buddy. We don't need to see that!" Bruce hurried to speak. "Will you two for once stop bickering and actually try to be nice to each other? How old are you? Five?"he asked in annoyance, while Tony and you only rolled your eyes, before glaring at each other.

"Anyway..." Nat started. "You heard what this is about, Y/N. Are you ok with that? It's fine if you don't wanna come tho. It's gonna be pretty dangerous and I understand if you're not ready."

"Nat, of course I'll come. I won't leave you alone." you spoke, placing your hand on her shoulder. She smiled for a second, but frowned as soon as she heard Tony huff.

"Finally some good news. Make sure you die in the mission, so I can finally live in peace." he said, laughing at his own 'joke' as he looked at you.

Before anyone could say anything, you got up of the couch and punched him straight in the face, then left the room, obviously affected by his words. Natasha sighed, running after you.

"Tony, that was too much." Steve glared at the guy, shaking his head in disappointment and leaving the room as well, just like everyone else.

"Whatever..." Tony rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the pang of guilt he was feeling.


"I hate him!" you exclaimed after finishing breakfast and getting ready to go on the mission. "He's a fucking jerk!"

Nat laughed, shaking her head.
"Come on, Y/N, you know he didn't mean that."

"Yeah, right..." you huffed, preparing your weapons and trying not to think too much about Tony's words. "Are you ready?"

"Yep. Let's go." Natasha replied, both of you leaving the house.


It's been hours since you and Natasha have left and the others were starting to get worried. They tried to contact you, but received no reply.

"What could they be doing?" Steve asked worriedly, looking at the others.

"Who?" Tony joined, taking a bite of the apple he was holding.

"Y/N and Nat... They should have been back a long time ago." Bruce replied, obviously just as worried.

Tony looked at the clock, noticing it was almost midnight and bit his lip. You and Nat indeed should have been back about 10 hours ago.

Gulping, he shook his head, not understanding why he was starting to get worried, especially about you.

"BRUCE!!" they heard all of a sudden, recognising Nat's voice, which seemed desperate.

Hurrying outside, Bruce, Steve and Tony gasped in shock as soon as they caught sight of her. They were happy she was alright.

What wasn't alright, however, was the fact that she was holding your unconscious, bleeding body in her arms...

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