Amusement Park - Part 2

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Word count : 1236
Warnings : slight language, but mostly fluff.

Here's the fluffy continuation requested by smokeywhalee. I'm not very content with it, but I hope you like it, hun. <3


Tony was still in the backseat, sleeping as peacefully as a child, totally oblivious about his surroundings. As you were driving, your eyes kept glancing at his figure, the corners of your mouth curving upwards at the sight. He looked so small and vulnerable and all you wanted to do was kiss and hold him for the rest of your life.

Parking the car, you found yourself climbing into the backseat and hovering over him. Tony moved a little bit, feeling weight pressing on his body, but kept sleeping, his chest raising and falling at a steady pace.

"Tony, baby, wake up." you whispered softly, planting kisses all over his face. "We're home."

"Wanna sleep." he mumbled quietly, his words sounding muffled as his eyes remained closed.

"Come on, darling... You can sleep as much as you want afterwards, but let's get you in bed first."

He grunted, his hand struggling to push you away. "Wanna sleep. I tired. Not move."

You laughed at his childish behavior, booping his nose and kissing his forehead. He cringed, trying to push you away for the second time, but failing once again.

"Hmm... Ok then." you pouted. "In this case, I guess I'll just leave you alone."

With that, you pulled away, trying to give him the impression that you were about to exit the car, only for him to open his eyes a little bit, catch your wrist and pull you back harshly. Your body crushed into his, your lips almost touching.

"Gimme kiss." he pursed his lips cutely and you couldn't deny him one even if you tried. With a smile, your hands cupped his cheeks, caressing them as you pecked him shortly. The billionaire sighed in content, hugging you tightly, so that your head was resting on his chest, his arms wrapped around your form, preventing you from leaving.

"I'll go inside with one condition." he started. "I want you to cuddle me for the rest of the day."

"Is that it? Well, I was gonna do that anyway." you smiled against his chest. "But first, we need to take a shower."

"Alright..." he sighed. "Let's go."


About half an hour later, the both of you were freshly cleaned and dressed into some more comfortable clothes. It was almost 7PM, meaning that you still had lot of time to spend together.

"What do you wanna have for dinner, Tones?" you asked as you stepped into the kitchen, opening the fridge.

"I don't know... I'm not that hungry." he shrugged. "I just wanna cuddle you."

"I get that, but you haven't eaten anything today." you warned, leaving no place for arguing. "I'll make you some spaghetti."

"But I wanna cuddle..." he whined, pouting his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest in frustration. "You promised."

"Baby, it won't take long. I'll even feed you if you want." you walked closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his cheek. "We'll cuddle as much as you want afterwards."

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