Savior - Part 2

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Word count : 2664
Warnings : angst, smut, fluff, arguing, language.

Requested by : flaminrobirdie
As I said, there will be another part, so the chapters won't be extremely long. Hope you like it! 💖

Summary : Tony refuses to let Y/N use the suit outside, because he thinks she's still not ready yet. What happens when one night she refuses to listen to him?

Y/A = your age


~A few months later~

"Tony, please... Why did you give me a suit if you won't let me use it?" you whined like the stubborn kid you were for the hundredth time, crossing your arms over your chest in frustration.

The genius shook his head, already fed up with your childish behaviour. "Y/N, you're not allowed to use the suit and that's it. End of discussion!" he watched you with a stern look on his face. "You still don't know how to use it properly and it could be very dangerous. The sky isn't always clear and you might get hit by something anytime."

Sighing, you walked in front of him, wrapping your arms around his waist and looking up at him pleadingly. "Pretty please?" you stuck your lower lip out, watching him with puppy eyes.

Tony cringed, turning his head away. "No... Don't throw me that look. It won't work. Not this time."

"Come oooon..." you smiled, kissing his cheek. "I'll be careful. Please, baby. Do you really have so little faith in me?"

"Y/N, you know I trust you with all my heart." he replied weakly, looking back at you. "I just... I don't want you to get hurt."

You frowned, stepping away from him. "Fine then. Forget about it."

"Come on, love, don't be upset." he pulled you back to his chest. "Look... I promise I'll help you with the suit and when I'll be completely sure you're ready, I'll let you use it outside. Does this sound better?"

"Are you serous? Would you really do that for me?" you smiled brightly, cupping his face. He nodded, feeling his heart warming at your cuteness, and you started peppering his face with kisses, your entire form emanating happiness. "Thank you! *kiss* Thank you! *kiss* Thank you! I love you so much!" you giggled, hugging him tightly.

"God, you can be so annoying sometimes." he sighed, smiling nonetheless. "I love you too, though. More than anything!"

~Later that night~

Tony kept tossing and turning as he tried to fall asleep next to you, making you grunt and open your eyes.

"What's wrong, Tones?" you asked softly, trying to look at his face. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"Uh, no... Not really." he winced, covering his eyes with his arm. "I'm... I'm ok, hun. Don't worry about me. Sorry I woke you up."

"Liar." you rolled your eyes playfully, before deciding to face him entirely. "Come on now, stop being stubborn and-- Oh..." you smirked. "So that's what's keeping you awake, huh?"

Tony was laying on his back, dressed in his boxers only, which was nothing new. What was unusual however, was the fact that those boxers looked now tighter than ever around his lower body and surely that couldn't feel comfortable.

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