19) "Married Couple" - Request

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Word count : 1056
Warnings : angst, minor language, fluff.

Requested by : TonyDowneyGamer06
Thank you for giving me this idea. It was very fun to write. Hope you like it! 💖

Summary : Y/N and Tony's relationship changes from bickering all the time to something more.


"Can you stop blaming yourself for once, Tony?" Y/N asked exasperatedly, rubbing her hands over her face in frustration. "It wasn't your fault, ok? You just-"

"I am the one who created Ultron." the genius cut her off bluntly. "He's out there trying to destroy the world BECAUSE OF ME, alright? So don't you dare say that I'm not the one to blame."

It was normal for Tony and Y/N to bicker over the smallest things. This, however, was definitely not the case. Ever since Ultron has escaped, the billionaire's been locking himself in the workshop, blaming himself and working nonstop in order to find the best way to defeat it.

He refused to talk, eat, sleep, damn even shower and everyone was growing worried about him. Especially Y/N. Weird, right? Why would she even care about someone she argued with all the time?

Well, believe it or not, their anger was a way to somehow express their worry about each other. Whenever Y/N messed up and got hurt, Tony would scold, then avoid her for a few days. On the other hand, whenever Tony was the one getting hurt, he would push everyone away, refusing to show his vulnerable side, which was pissing the girl off even more.

"Just... Just leave." he added, turning his back to her and returning his attention to his work. "I don't need any distractions."

"Come on, Tony, at least... At least let me help you." she insisted.

"Help me?" he huffed. "Help me with what?"

"In case you forgot, my IQ is just a little bit lower than yours. I'm not stupid and you know that!"

The engineer shook his head, letting out a deep breath. That girl was gonna be the death of him for sure.

"Y/N, you can't even walk properly." he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're THAT clumsy! How do you expect me to trust you you to help me when you can barely stand on your damn feet?"

"Ok, then at least take a break and eat something!" she snapped back. "You're gonna kill yourself this way, Tones."

"So what? Why does it matter to you?"

"Of course it matters to me, you asshole! I care about you!"

"Well, don't!" he argued.

"How can you even say that? Whenever something similar happens to me, you always take care of me, whether I agree with that or not. For God's shake, you're acting as if we're a married couple and-"

"Maybe that's what I'm hoping for one day!"

Well, damn... The words left his mouth before he could stop them, surpsing both Y/N and himself. Face-palming internally, he refused to look her in the eyes, turning away from her once again.

As for Y/N, she was obviously speechless. Her mouth was hanging open in shock, her brain refusing to comprehend what she just heard.

"Did you... Did you actually mean that?" she asked slowly, the argument long forgotten as she approached him.

Tony cringed, feeling his cheeks turning red. He hated himself for being so straightforward, but he also knew that he was telling the truth.

"Yes." he sighed. "I... I really love and care about you, Y/N. But you can be a fucking pain in the ass sometimes."

The girl laughed, shaking her head at his statement. "Yeah, well, you can be a jerk too, but I still love you, you dork."

"Hey, watch your mouth! I'm not a- Wait... " he turned around in one swift motion. "Did you just... Did you just said that you loved me?" he frowned.

Smiling, Y/N pushed him on the nearby chiar, before inviting herself on his lap. The genius refused to blink for a few seconds, too shocked to even form words at that point.

"I guess I did." she grinned, her hands tangling around his neck. "What are you gonna do about it, Ironman?"

"You little... Fuck, I hate you." he shook his head, failing to stop himself from smiling.

"There you go. See, it wasn't that hard to relax a little bit, now was it?" she teased.

"Yeah, I guess so..." he agreed hesitantly, pulling her closer. "I - Thank you. I'm sorry for being so moody, I just-"

"Hey, I'm not the one you should apologise to." she interrupted. "You should apologise to yourself, Tones. It's true that you did a mistake, but your intentions were pure and together we're going to defeat Ultron, alright? Just don't push us, don't push ME away ever again. I hate seeing you beating yourself up like that."

"S-Stop. Get off me..." he teared up, trying to push her away. Y/N frowned, watching him concerned.

"W-what happened? Did I say something wrong? I-"

"No, no, I just... I got a little bit emotional, that's all." he mumbled, looking at the floor as his lips formed a small pout. "I hate it when you talk like that. Why do you have to make my heart beat faster whenever you're around?" he whined, pouting even more.

Sighing in relief, the girl cupped his face, urging him to look at her. His brown eyes were glistening with tears, making him look even cuter than usual.

"Damn, Stark, you can be such a baby sometimes." she smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. "Come here."

Pulling him closer by the chair, Y/N wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly. Tony nuzzled his head further into her chest, his hands finding her hips and returning the hug almost in an instant.

He could get used to that for sure. Having someone to look after him and make him feel better was definitely great. Too bad he was too blind to see that until now.

"Sleepy baby..." the girl rubbed his back as he yawned against her front. "Let's get you to your room so that you can rest."

"Will you stay with me if I do?" he pulled back, looking up at at her expectantly.

Y/N smiled softly and kissed his forehead reassuringly. "I promise. Come on now."

With that, they finally left the lab, hand in hand, their feet leading them to Tony's bedroom. Before anyone knew it, both of them fell asleep, any trace of anger long forgotten as they held onto each other tightly.

The end.

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