11) New Avenger? - Part 1

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Scene : Battle of New York (Avengers 2012)

Summary : Tony saves the city by sending the rachet into space in order to destroy the Chitauri ship. And still, who is gonna save him when he gets back on Earth before the portal closes and he keeps falling down? Not Hulk for sure this time.

Word count : 1278
Warnings : some angst and curse words

Y/H/C = your hair color
Y/E/C = your eye color

A/N : I added a short clip of the original scene just in case you guys wanted to rewatch it. I'm sorry if it seems rushed. Also, let me know if you want a second part. ❤️


"I can close it. Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down!" Natasha announced into the earpiece as she stood on the rooftop of the Stark Tower, hoping someone in the team would hear her soon.

"Do it!" Steve reacted almost in an instant, only to be interrupted by Tony, who had other plans. "Stark, these things are still coming! We can't wait."

"I got a nuke coming in, Cap." Tony's voice echoed inside his Iron-Man helmet. "It's gonna blow in less than a minute and I know just where to put it. Just give me a minute."

Without waiting for another response, Stark started flying towards the missile, following closely behind it. As soon as he grabbed hold of it, he began to redirect it towards the city.

Thor and Cap, who were both worried and anxious about Tony's plan, looked up to the sky, watching their friend flying by and barely missing the Stark Tower, before pushing the nuke up towards the portal.

The moment he entered the space, he let go of the missile and all the lights in his suit started going out. Tony watched as the ship exploded, making the Chitauri warriors from Earth collapse and the Leviathans fall from
the sky.

Feeling his body getting weaker and weaker, the genius closed his eyes as he fell slowly towards the portal.

Natasha, Steve and Thor looked up expectantly, waiting and hoping they would catch sight of Tony soon. When nothing happened, Steve sighed, glancing at Thor.

"Close it." he ordered to Nat into the earpiece and she obeyed hesitantly, plunging the scepter into the heart of the device. Just as the portal was about to close, Tony fell through back to earth.

"Son of a gun!" breathed Steve out in relief as soon as he saw Iron-man reappear. However, his body tensed a little bit when he realised that his friend was plummeting to the ground.

"He's not slowing down!" Thor exclaimed, preparing to fly at Stark and catch him, but stopped as soon as he noticed something strange.

Someone grabbed the bilionare out of the air, with the speed of light, before he could touch the ground, then put him down slowly. The stranger quickly took off Iron-man's mask, throwing it somewhere around and frowning at the sight of an unconscious Tony. Noticing that the arc reactor wasn't glowing, they blinked, listening for a heartbeat.

Thor and Cap ran over, followed by Hulk, finally being able to see Tony's saviour properly. To their surprise, it was a girl who seemed about Nat's age. Even her suit looked like hers. It was a dark shade of blue, the material clinging tightly on her body. She was curvy and seemed tall enough for a girl, about 170 cm, while her Y/H/C hair was not too long, nor too short and a little bit wavy.

Her skin looked pale, but her cheeks were a light shade of pink, probably because of the events that took place just a few seconds ago. Her rosy lips were bleeding a little bit, painting her chin, while some scratches were more than visible on her flushed face.

Although she seemed dangerous, her gaze was soft, Y/E/C eyes staring concerned at the injured superhero in front of her.

"Who are you?" asked Steve, with a stern voice, as he tried to take a step closer, only to be stopped by Thor, who placed his hand on his shoulder and sent him a "Now it's not the time" look.

The girl didn't even acknowledge their presence, busy searching for a heartbeat from Tony. All of a sudden though, Hulk let out a loud roar, his fist hitting his own chest, which was more than enough to startle the unconscious man and make him open his eyes, looking around frantically.

"What the hell?" he breathed out shocked, earning a grin from Thor and the mysterious woman. "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."

Steve exhaled, visibly relieved.
"We won."

Tony blinked, nodding his head.
"Alright. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. You ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but-"

His little rumble came to a halt the moment he locked eyes with the stranger that saved his life. His brain stopped working for a second, his body tensing inside the suit.

He didn't know if he was just shocked because he didn't expect to see someone new or because the girl in front of him was absolutely stunning. Maybe a little bit of both.

"Now, now..." Steve stood up, approaching her. "Answer my question. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Although he was serious, the girl seemed unimpressed, her arms crossing over her chest.

"First of all, back off, blondie. You're invading my personal space and I don't really like sharing the air, you know? Especially with Barbie-men like you." she clicked her tongue, motioning toward the Cap. "Secondly, last time I checked this wasn't an interview, so if you wanna talk to me, stop acting so serious, cause it doesn't suit you. You look like an angry rat."

Steve watched her wide eyed, his mouth wide open in shock, while Tony chuckled loudly. "I like her." he laughed, trying to get up, but failing. "Ouch" he hissed as he fell back down.

This time, it was the girl who broke into a grin, extending her arm towards Stark. "Here, let me help you, clumsy man."

"Would have been more romantic if you carried me bridal style though." he remarked as he took her hand, finally getting on his feet. "I'm Tony, by the way."

"Oh, really? I had no idea." she replied, making him smile and roll his eyes. "Y/N" she added softly, shaking his hand.

They kept looking at each other for a few moments, only to be interrupted by Steve, who choked intentionally.

"This is the last time I'm asking. Who are you? And don't tell me you're Y/N, cause that'll be as good as nothing."

"Bossy much?" the girl asked with a huff.

"Sassy much?" he mocked, putting on a forced smile.

"Fuck off, Capsicle. You sound ridiculous." Tony laughed, pushing at his friend's chest lightly.

"Seriously, now... How old are you? 3?" Thor face palmed. "We're not done here, so you better stop bickering and start acting like adults."

"Ok, ok. Let's go." said Tony. "Shit, my back hurts."

Y/N grinned, shaking her head. "If I'm not wrong, you did say something about me carrying you bridal style so..."

Tony squealed in surprise as the girl took him into her arms and started carrying him as if he weighted nothing. This time, even Steve started laughing.

"Princess Tony, you look so beautiful. I like the dress." he remarked, earning a glare from the billionaire and a smile from Y/N. Thor and Hulk looked at each other, before shaking their heads.

"If anyone asks, we don't know them, alright?" Thor questioned and Hulk nodded, sighing one last time at the others' childish behavior.

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