17) Savior - Request

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Word count : 5023
Warnings : angst, strong language, mentions of death, blood, kidnapping, but, of course, there will also be some fluff. (Tony is a sweetheart, as always. 🥺)

Summary : The reader gets injured and almost dies, but Tony finds and saves her by giving her an arc reactor. After a while, she moves in with him and they get very close to each other.

Requested by : flaminrobirdie I'm so sorry for making you wait. I know you told me not to worry and take my time, but I hate making people wait for something, so I tried to write it as soon as possible. Thank you for requesting this, for supporting and so on. I hope you like it. ❤️

*Y/A = your age


Pain, fear, despair... That was all you could feel as soon as you opened your eyes, finding it difficult to get used to the surroundings. You couldn't really recall how or what happened exactly. The only thing you remembered was that someone tried to suffocate you while you were on your way to your house, before unconsciousness enveloped your body entirely.

Now, you were in a small, empty room that looked too bad to be inhabited. The walls were dirty, moldy even, and the smell that was floating in the air was almost unbearable, making it difficult to breathe anywhere nearby.

Before you could stop yourself from doing so, you started choking uncontrollably, your body shaking in the meantime. What you didn't expect however, was the overwhelming feeling that came as soon as you did that. You felt as if someone has stabbed you in the chest and twisted the knife to make sure it pierced your insides properly.

Struggling to breathe, you glanced down at the source of pain, only to notice a huge hole right in the middle of your chest. Blood was spilling everywhere, staining the rest of the clothes you were wearing, while the numerous attempts to move proved to be useless. Your hands were tightly tied behind your back and you were sitting on a hard, uncomfortable chair, a cloth preventing you from talking or calling out for help.

One tear was followed by another one, then another and soon you found yourself sobbing loudly, the aching pain in your chest increasing with each breath you took.

Where you going to die? Probably. Good thing you didn't have anyone to say goodbye to. Your parents have kicked you out while you were still a child, and ever since then, you had learned to take care of yourself. You started working wherever you could, eating whatever you could, sleeping whenever you could.

After 10 years of trying to save as much money as possible, you managed to buy yourself a small house on the outskirts of New York. It wasn't impressive, but it was definitely better than living on the streets or having to pay the rent. The only thing you regretted was that you hadn't died sooner, so you wouldn't have had to struggle so much with your life.

By the time you started hearing some footsteps approaching, your vision has gotten blurry, making it hard for you to remain conscious. With one last breath, you closed your eyes, allowing your body to rest. Was it going to rest forever though? Guess you had to wait and find out.


Blinking your eyes open for the second time, you assumed you were dead since the first thing you noticed was a strong, blinding light. The more you stared however, you slowly started to get used to it, only to notice that you weren't in the same room anymore.

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