6) Here For You

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Word count : 1093
Warnings : some curse words, angst and fluff


You and your husband were in your bedroom, enjoying each other's company after a hard day at work. Your head was pressed on his chest, just beside his arc reactor, which was glowing even through his shirt, while his hands were holding you tightly close to him and the sound of your breathing was the only thing that could be heard inside the room.

The two of you have been together for 5 years, but you have known each other ever since childhood. Tony was the one who saved you from your abusive, alcoholic father, your fake friends, the bullies at school and your ex, who tried to rape you one time when he got drunk. He was the one who has always been there for you, who has helped you regain hope, made you happy and cherished you like nobody ever did. He was your happiness and your only reason for living and you hoped that he would stay with you forever.

Even after all those years, however, you were still a little bit afraid to talk to him about some stuff... For example, something like starting a family. You've always wanted to have kids, but Tony never showed any signs that he would want to have one any time soon, so you assumed it was your fault. Maybe he wanted to become a father, but not with you by his side ... You didn't blame him tho. There were so many beautiful women, much better than you. Why would he stay with you forever?

Without even realising, your breath suddenly quickened at the thought of your husband leaving you for someone else, your body shaking into his arms. What were you gonna do without him? How were you going to survive? Those were the only questions that were clouding your mind right now.

"Hey, hey, hey ... What's wrong my love? Why are you shaking?" Tony asked softly, getting into a sitting position so he could face you properly, only to meet your tearful, scared eyes. His breath hitched, his eyes widening at the sight of you.

"Oh, my... Baby, look at me." he took your head into his hands, pecking your lips multiple times. "Follow my breath, sweetheart, ok? Look me in the eyes and follow my breath."

You did as he told you, trying to calm down and getting lost into his brown, lovely eyes, who were watching you concerned. You swore you could've looked into them for the rest of your life without getting bored.

Few minutes later, your heart started beating normally again and your body went numb, a few tears still making their way down your face.

Tony kissed them away, pulling you into his arms and hugging you tightly. It wasn't the first time you had a panick attack, but he never liked seeing you in that state. It broke him to see the love of his life in pain or any other kind of discomfort.

"I'm here, baby... I'm here..." he soothed you, kissing your head. "Wanna tell me what happened? What were you thinking about, angel?"

You just sighed, nuzzling your face even further into his chest and holding onto him for dear life. "Nothing, I... it's stupid anyway. You're probably gonna hate me for that and-"

"Sweetheart, I could never EVER hate you." he cut you off, emphasising every single word. "Never in my entire life. I love you more than words could ever explain and I'm never gonna judge you or anything like that. You know you can trust me, baby. I'm always here for you."

"That's the thing, Tony." your voice wavered as you pulled away. "What if one day you're going to leave me for someone better? What am I gonna do then, huh? You're the only one I have and I can't lose you... I just can't." you sobbed, feeling more and more pathetic with each passing second.

"Y-Y/N..." your husband struggled to talk, his own voice shaking. "Why... Why would you think that I could ever leave you? How... How can that thought even pass through your head? After all these years we've been together, is that what you really think of me?"

"I'm sorry..." you apologised sincerely, knowing he was disappointed. "It's just that... You deserve so much better, Tony. You deserve someone as perfect as you and I'm far from being perfect."

Tony laughed half-heartedly, shaking his head and getting off the bed. He felt betrayed to say at least. Never in his entire life had he hurt you or thought about leaving you, but there you were, thinking that he would choose someone else at some point.

"I thought you trusted me... God, you have no fucking idea how much your words affected me." he said as he looked directly at you. "I understand that you're insecure, but using your own insecurities to make me feel like shit was a pathetic move."

"Tony, I -"

"NO!" he yelled. "What the fuck have I ever done to you, huh? I've only tried helping you and being there for you, but clearly that wasn't enough. Am I only a-a man whore for you? Is that how you fucking see me?" by then, tears were falling down his cheeks, but he ignored them, waiting for an answer from you.

"Tony, baby, no" you hurried to reply, running towards him. "It's not about you, my love. It's about me. I'm so used to people leaving me and I just can't help but get scared at the thought of you leaving me as well in the end." you explained, wiping off his tears. "I'm so sorry for hurting you, baby. I'm so sorry... "

Before you could comprehend what was happening, Tony pulled you towards him harshly, crashing his lips onto yours and kissing you hard. He tried to pour all his love into that kiss, while you did the same and wrapped your arms around his neck. As soon as you pulled away, he started peppering kisses all over your face, making you giggle and hug him tightly.

"I love you so much and I'll never leave you. Never. Understood?" he asked softly, kissing your cheek once again.

You nodded, sighing in relief. "I'm sorry once again. I love you and I trust you with my whole heart. I don't know what got over me..."

Tony smiled warmly, keeping you close. "It's ok... We're going to be okay (You can rest now). I promise."

Too bad he broke his promise and died while saving the world...

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