16) Soul Stealer - Request

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Word count : 2644

Warnings : language, angst and just a little bit of fluff (for now).

Summary : Y/N is a Succubus sent by the Devil to take Tony Stark's soul and bring it to him. What happens when she falls for the genius?

Requested by : Khushi-Stark
Thank you for sharing your incredible idea with me. I hope you like it! ❤️


Hell... A frightening, dark place that consists of the souls of those who have sinned nemerous times throughout their lives. A place characterized by hatred, envy, violence, malice and anger. A place that many have heard of, but has always caused panic among people. A place where the word 'happiness', or anything that has to do with it for that matter, could never exist.

Sounds terrifying, right? Unfortunately, that's what hell was and what it will always be. Here's the bright side though... Once you get used to it, not only do you start enjoying being tortured, but also torturing in return. Just like that, the thing that you used to call a 'brain' erases every trace of kindness you once had, replacing it with the desire to hurt, punish, scare or even kill.

Some evil spirits from there can even steal the souls of those whose hearts are still beating, by doing the only thing they are best at : seducing. This is the category that Y/N Y/L/N, a gorgeous, but at the same time, the most feared Succubus, belonged to.

With black wings, a long, black tail and sharp horns, the creature looked like a female version of Satan, being able to change into a human anytime she wanted. For what reason? The answer was simple : to lure people into her trap, so that she could take advantage of them afterwards.

"I want you to go to Earth and bring me the soul of a man named Tony Stark." the Devil itself ordered slowly, but tightly, grimacing at the mentioned name, while his cloak-covered body walked around the place with slow, long steps, his hands behind his back. Other daemons were watching and listening carefully, ready to attack in case the spirit in front of their 'boss' even thought about trying anything inappropriate.

"He is not an easy target, reason why I have chosen you to complete this particular task."
He stopped, turning to face Y/N, his dark eyes burning into hers as he removed his hood, his body emanating heat and malice. "Disappoint me, darling, and I promise you will suffer the consequences."

"When have I ever disappointed you?" the girl smirked, her eyes glowing red as she stood her ground confidently. With a snap of her fingers, she turned into a beautiful human, with long, sexy legs and curves in all the right places. She looked almost unreal, her appearance receiving a proud, appreciating look even from the Devil. "Just you watch and see..." she grinned. "It will be as easy as pie."


Tony was at the bar, sipping from his glass of scotch as his mind kept wandering to his recent nightmares. To say that he looked horrible would be an understatement. His eyes were bloodshot, dark circles more pronounced than ever from the lack of sleep.

He was tired indeed, exhausted even, but he could not rest. Falling asleep has become his biggest fear, the vivid dreams haunting him even now, when he tried his best to clear his mind, but obviously to no avail.

"Hard day?" a soft, unfamiliar voice reached his ears, interrupting him from overthinking any further.

The genius hummed, his head turning to face the owner of the voice. The moment his eyes made contact with the stranger's, he blinked, his breath stopping for a split second.

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