15) Amusement Park - Request

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Word count : 3803
Warnings : strong language, fluff and SMUT... a lot of smut. 🔞

↪️This one was requested by my dear friend smokeywhalee. It didn't turn out as I or probably even you initially imagined, but I hope you like it, love. 😅♥️

Summary: Y/N and Tony go to an amusement park, but Tony is being a tease and Y/N teaches him a lesson, because why not?! 💁‍♀️


It was a gloomy, chilly evening in New York. The wind was whistling through the windows, while the cloudy, dark sky along with the noises produced by the thunder were somehow hinting that the rain was about to begin.

You were in the kitchen, totally ignoring the weather outside, while cooking and humming to the song that was playing on the background. Your hips were swaying sensually along the beat as one of your hands was holding the knife that kept chopping the vegetables from the other one.

Too lost in your thoughts to pay attention to the surroundings, your body jumped slightly as two warm hands stilled your hips, before wrapping around your waist and bringing you closer to a hard chest.

"I see you're having fun." a deep, familiar voice whispered from behind as you felt a pair of soft lips trailing from your right ear, down to your neck, where they started leaving short pecks along the skin, making you take in a sharp breath.

One of the hands that were holding your waist found its way under your top, carresing your belly for a few seconds, before moving upper and upper, stopping right before it could reach your breast.

"Tony, baby, I'm trying to make dinner." you struggled to speak as you managed to escape from those arms, turning around and facing your husband.

He smirked, placing his hands on the counter, trapping you between it and his body. "I don't recall stopping you from doing so, sweetheart." he grinned. "Don't tell me you can't focus because of me."

Your eyes rolled in the back of your head almost in an instant, before watching him amused. "Says the one who couldn't do anything properly in the lab just because I was simply touching your shoulder."

Tony blinked twice, before nodding and retreating his arms. "Fair enough."

Sighing, you shook your head and got back to what you were doing. Tony poured himself a drink, taking a seat at the table, his eyes never leaving your form.

"I was thinking..." he trailed off. "Lately, I've been spending a lot of time in the lab and I feel like I neglected you, so... I was wondering if you'd like me to take you to an amusement park this Friday. I know how much you've always liked going there and it would be a great opportunity for us to spend some time together. What do you say?"

You smiled to yourself, placing the vegetables in a bowl, before approaching the chair your husband was sitting on. Taking his head in between your hands, you kissed his lips softly, making him return the smile.

"Sounds great." you beamed as you pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, love. I really appreciate it."

"I think I am the one who should be thankful." the genius replied, tightening his grip. "Thank you for always being so understanding with me, thank you for putting up with me every day, thank you for forgiving me whenever I make dumb mistakes, and last but not least, thank you for loving me." he pulled back. "I know I'm not that good at expressing my feelings, but I promise I'll always try my best to show you how important you are to me."

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