20) Family Meeting - Request

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Word count : 2603
Warnings : angst, fluff, some curse words.

Requested by : alxhamxra
I'm sorry it took me so long to get this done. Hope you like it, love! ❤️

Summary : Tony finally meets your parents.

Y/B/N = your brother's name
Y/L/N = your last name
Y/M/N =your mother's name


It was 07:30 in the morning when you stirred in your sleep, feeling a pair of soft, familiar lips tickling your face. Your back was pressed into someone's chest, providing you the warmth you needed, while a hand was wrapped around your waist, holding you securely.

The lips trailed from your cheeks, down to your neck, where they started to leave open mouth kisses along the skin, making you release a breath you didn't realise you were holding as your entire body shivered in delight.

You loved mornings like this, when both you and your boyfriend were free so that you two could wake up into each other's embrace and enjoy each other's company.

"Good morning, angel." Tony's voice whispered as soon as you opened your eyes, turning around into his arms and facing him. "Slept well?"

"Mhm..." you hummed, too lazy to open your mouth and reply properly, fact that only made him smile and kiss your forehead. "What's the time?"

"It's still early, don't worry about it." he said. "You can go back to sleep if you want."

"Nah..." you nuzzled your face into his neck, placing a quick kiss on the skin. "Wanna cuddle."

Tony's smile only grew as he pulled you closer, holding you tightly as he moved his hand to play with your hair.

Today was going to be a special day. You and Tony have been together for a few months, but he hadn't had the chance to meet your parents until now. Why was that? Well, besides the fact that the two of you were busy almost all the time, Tony was also a little bit scared to take the next step.

The genius was aware of the fact that his past reputation wasn't something to be proud of and, although he had changed a lot ever since you came into his life, he knew that he couldn't just erase what's been done.

He feared that your parents might judge him, think that he wasn't good enough for you and maybe even try to put an end to your relationship, which was something he could never handle. You meant the entire world to him and the thought of ever losing you was scaring him to death.

"Hmm, you're thinking." you mumbled against his neck the moment you felt him tensing up. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, sweetcheeks. I just... I am happy that I'm finally going to meet your parents."

Pulling away so that you could look into his eyes properly, you analysed his facial expression, knowing very well that something wasn't right. He was looking anywhere but you, a little frown making its way on his face.

You lifted one hand slowly, placing it over his cheek and caressing it tenderly, which encouraged him to look at you, his eyes gazing into yours hesitantly.

"Everything is going to be ok, my love." you whispered. "My family is going to adore you. I know what you're worried about, but just have some faith in me, alright? You're not the person that people think you are. You're kind, funny, caring, smart and you love me more than everyone ever did. I have never been this happy in my entire life and that is all because of you. You make me feel safe, cherished, adored, nothing I have ever felt before and I'm sure my parents are going to like you just as much as I do, Tones."

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