18) Hidden Feelings - Request

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Word count : 2654
Warnings : angst, language, Bitch!Pepper, fluff.

Requested by : Khushi-Stark I changed the plot just a little bit. Hope you don't mind. Also, I tried not to focus as much on details, so the imagine would be shorter and hopefully not boring, but let me know what you think.

Summary : Y/N and Tony like each other, but none dares to confess. When they finally decide to do that, however, Pepper makes sure to destroy their plans.


Being a hero was definitely a difficult task, especially since nobody never knew for sure whether they were going to come back home safe and sound or not at all.

However, teamwork has always proved to be the best choice. Why was that? The answer was very simple... By being a part of a team, people had no other choice but to help and communicate with each other, which meant that they had to become friends at some point.

What neither Y/N nor Tony expected, on the other hand, was to fall in love with one of their teammates. Yep, you've read that well. Y/N, a girl that used to murder people, was in love with Tony, a genius whose parents have been killed by her and Bucky. As messed up as that sounded, it was true. How did that happen though? Let's start with the beginning...

Y/N was Bucky's best friend. Just like him, she's been captured by HYDRA and brainwashed, then forced to kill whoever she was ordered to.

Steve thought they were both dead, so when he found them, he didn't know what to believe. Of course, they explained everything and helped him understand the situation, and the soldier ended up feeling almost as happy as he would feel if he had met Peggy once again.

The bad news, however, were that Y/N and Bucky were the ones who murdered Tony's parents. When Tony found out about that, his first instinct was to get revange and kill them both right away, even Steve, who was trying to stop him.

As expected, he lost the battle and decided to never talk to Steve ever again, but after moths and months of thinking, not only did they end up becoming friends again, but he also gave those two a chance.

Funny how his hatred for Y/N turned into something very beautiful sooner than anyone would have thought... The more he got to know her, the more he started to care about her, to like being around her, talking to her, seeing her.

She looked so beautiful to him and her personality was just as astonishing. If he hadn't known better, he never would have thought that she could ever kill or even hurt anyone, let alone someone's parents, but again, she wasn't in her right mind at that time.

In vain had he tried lying and denying that he liked her. He was clearly not fooling anyone, not even himself. However, for once in his entire life, Antony Edward Stark was scared to make a move. Why? Because he didn't know if she liked him back and didn't want to push her away either. He once attempted to give her a hint, but she either refused to acknowledge it or simply decided to ignore it, which only discouraged him even more.

Little did he know that the girl felt the same. She would always visit him in the workshop and watch him working or bring him food whenever he refused to leave the lab. Just seeing him was enough to make her day and feel at peace. Not to mention how worried she would get during every single mission. She knew he was Ironman, but he was probably the most vulnerable Avenger, especially without the suit, so she always felt the need to look out for him and protect him at all costs.

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