DAY 45

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sua squealed in childish glee when her precious little daegal licked her hand

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sua squealed in childish glee when her precious little daegal licked her hand.

"chenle!" the girl cried through her giggles, "can i be her mom? please please please!"

the young idol sighed, leaning his weight to one side as he watched his daughter playing with the noirette. "fine... but just so you know, czennies won't be very pleased when i turn their begging down once she's revealed."

sua's shoulders slumped downwards as she nuzzled the puppies head with her own. chenle cringed. "you're just as bad as haechan-hyung."

the girl quickly shot him a warning glare through her black bangs. "watch yourself, zhong chenle."

the said boy did his very best to contain his laughter, which clearly failed because he fell back and clutched his stomach as he erupted into a loud fit of giggles. sua stared at him for a few seconds, unaffected at first, before giving in and laughing along with him.

yangyang appeared at her side, rubbing daegal's head before dropping his own on the girl's shoulder. sua smiled at her friend and slowly dragged her attention back towards the front door.

though both kun and lucas were trying to distract her earlier, the girl still saw her boyfriend leave with her roommate. it sounds a little strange, but sua knew that it'd be okay. now, she was just anxious for the two to return.

chip and bella were chasing hendery and xiaojun around the living room and kun was talking with the two members of 127. she couldn't see lucas anymore but the noirette didn't really mind. the other two wayv members were busy with work.

releasing a tired sigh, sua dropped her head against the maknae's as she continued petting daegal. yawning, chenle crawled next to the girl and laid down with his head on her thigh. sua smiled down at him and ran her fingers through his hair instead of the puppy, who had fallen asleep in her lap.

"don't get used to this," yangyang started, "we aren't usually this cuddly."

the noirette felt chenle nod against her leg and smiled. "don't you worry. this is a one-time thing for me as well."

as the last word left her lips, the front door swung open and donghyuck appeared with a grinning huiseon behind him.

both doyoung and taeyong shot up, startling poor kun enough for him to flinch in his seat. sua snickered at the boy's reaction, unintentionally grabbing her boyfriend's attention. when he saw both yangyang and chenle cuddling his girlfriend, hyuck raised a teasing brow.

the two chinese youngsters simply waved at him with bright, innocent smiles as if nothing was wrong. "oh, hey hyung. need something?" yangyang silently chuckled at chenle's boldness and went to hug sua's waist. the noirette instantly understood and mimicked the action.

"we should get going soon," the golden-haired boy said, but his girlfriend heard the little whininess in his voice.

sua sniffled and began to dramatically fake cry. "but my babies need me! my little yangyangie and lele, and especially my precious daegalie~" she cooed as she gently booped the sleeping pup's nose.

daegal kicked her foot in her sleep and sua's heart ached. "chenle, i love her!"

suddenly donghyuck was behind the trio, hands glued to his hips. the said trio looked up in sync when they heard the eldest there clear his throat dramatically. sua let out a giggle when she saw her boyfriend's funny stance, which forced a smile to his lips.

"aw cutie!" he cried in a high voice, playfully mocking the noirette's reactions to daegal. the boy quickly knelt down to the other's heights and nuzzled his face into the girl's neck.

the two boys once beside sua quickly backed away with fake throwing up noises. "ew love!"

to poke fun at the others, donghyuck placed a very loud, very dramatic kiss on sua's cheek. yangyang and chenle both screamed their distaste before running away to play with bella, chip, and the other 99 liners.

smiling at the youngers' reactions, sua leaned back into hyuck's chest. his bent knees were on both sides of her hips, arms draped loosely around the girl's waist. sua could feel his heart beating against her shoulder blade, his breath soft in her ear.

"i thought you said we should leave soon," she teased, laying her own arms over his.

the idol was quick to intertwine their fingers. sua began grazing her thumb over his hand, a habit she began to pick up whenever they held hands. donghyuck hummed, and sua shivered when she felt the vibration against her neck. "we could just stay like this..."

the noirette felt her cheeks flush at the sudden gruffness in her boyfriend's voice. thankfully, everyone else was doing their own thing and too preoccupied to pay attention to the couple showing major pda.

sua breathed a gentle sigh, her thumb still drawing random designs on the boy's skin. "you sure you aren't mad?"

donghyuck was quiet for a second, but then he gave the small girl a loving squeeze. "i was a little... but hui noona and i talked it out. we both just want the best for you."

the noirette still felt terrible about what had happened, but she didn't want to draw it out any longer. everything was resolved, there was no need to keep worrying about what could have happened.

daegal stirred in sua's lap, startling the girl who almost forgot the puppy was even there. the girl then brought both her and her boyfriend's hands to her lips and placed a delicate kiss against his golden skin.

"we should probably pack it up. hyeseon is probably wondering where we are."

donghyuck chuckled deeply, "oh, i'm pretty sure hye noona has other things on her mind..."

"i fucking knew it! since when was 1 am early..."

hyeseon stared at the ripped and empty, um... wrapper between her pointer and middle fingers with a mixed expression between proud and disgusted. "those nasties. i can't believe i was fooled by in sua."

a hand glided over her hips and hyeseon's mind went blank with drunken lust.

"i-i suppose suhy-hyuck can wait this time..."

a throaty chuckle hummed in the male's mouth before the brunette spun around and smashed her smirking lips against his.

i'm not really sure what to put here so

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i'm not really sure what to put here so... what kind of book would you guys want to read when this is finished? *nervously glances at my 23 drafts*

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