Love and Mercy

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Before you knew it, it was time to return back to the Big Apple. As you watched Charlie drop off Henry with Nicole, you could feel the emotions flowing back. Neither of them had talked about what transpired that night and you weren't sure they ever would. Henry ran along inside to put everything away with the promise of coming back to say goodbye, leaving the three of you outside alone.

She pulled her cardigan closed and crossed her arms. Charlie stood silently beside you, his hand instinctively reaching out for yours to hold.

Nicole opened her mouth. "Charlie--I--"

He shook his head. Anything she needed to say, he knew, but didn't want to hear.

She nodded, sighing uncomfortably as she surveyed the situation before opening her mouth once more.

"You're more than welcome to come. I shouldn't have done what I did--but it's done now. So, if you want to, come."

You weren't sure what to say and Charlie was just as content not speaking to her as Nicole was to stand there.

Neither said it, but it hung thick along with the tension in the air: What had they become?

About that time, here came Henry, running out of the house holding a piece of paper.

"Dad. You have to take this with you."

Charlie lowered himself to the ground, crouching down to his son's level.

"What's this?"

"It's us." Henry looked up at you. "It's all of us." Charlie took the paper in his hands and smiled softly, taking his time examining the drawing before turning his body slightly to show you.

There it was on the page: Nicole, Carter, Henry, Charlie, and you.

Charlie's face must have given too much away. "Did I make you sad, Daddy?"

Charlie shook his head. "No. You made me really happy."

"Oh. Good."

"Come here and give Daddy a hug."

Henry rushed into his arms and gave him a big squeeze. Charlie kissed the side of his head. "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Dad."

After everyone said their goodbyes, Charlie walked to the car with you hand in hand. He stuck his hand into his pocket, fishing for his keys and held them out for you.

"You have your license?"

You knitted your brow together in confusion. "Yeah, why?"

"Is it valid?"


"Can you drive please?"

"Charlie, I'm not on the--"

"--It's fine. Really." He interjected. "I'm not sure I can focus on the road right now."

You nodded as he made his way to the passenger seat and got into the car yourself. It took you a few minutes to get everything adjusted. You'd practically fallen into the seat from where Charlie had it as far back as it would go. Once you were all set, you entered the destination on your phone, made sure Charlie was buckled in too, started the engine, and put the car in drive.

Most of the ride back to his apartment, he was staring out the window. It wasn't until you'd made it through a few red lights that you noticed he was crying. You reached out for him and he turned to you, his cheeks stained with tears, offering you a sad smile before opening the glove compartment to retrieve the small pack of tissues he'd placed there a few days earlier. You could feel your heart breaking in your chest. He prepared for this.

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