Stormy Weather pt. 2 - Wedding Bell Blues

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With pre-wedding festivities on the horizon, it surprised both of you when Henry wound up spending the remainder of the week with Nicole. Once again, she had managed to carve deep into Charlie's chest, the house you so lovingly rented for the three of you the salt she rubbed in his wounds. Now, as he proverbially bled out, you were making your way to the nuptials of the woman who continuously caused him pain.

Charlie pulled the car over on a side street, his head coming to rest against the steering wheel after shifting into park. You glanced at the clock on the dashboard. 2:05pm. Arriving fashionably early was practically unheard of, especially for a wedding, and anyone who did so risked being viewed in extremely poor taste. You both had taken your time getting ready, but time flew by more quickly than you realized. You wondered if on some unspoken level you both wanted to get things over with. After all, Charlie had already married her once. Today, he'd get to see her walk down the aisle a second time, only this time to another man, all for the sake of his son.

He raised up, audibly inhaling, and reached out for you. He gingerly took your hand in his own, bringing it up to his lips. "Thank you for not making me do this alone. " You pulled away, but only to unbuckle. You needed him to know you were in this together and one of your best shared love languages was physical touch. He let out a sigh as you enveloped him fully; the way he pulled you closer was only a testament to the comfort you brought him. "I know this is going to be awkward for both of us. It's going to suck, but..."

"It's for Henry," you interjected.

You leaned across the console to kiss his cheek. "It's going to be okay."

"I know. I honestly didn't even realize going bothered me until right before we got in the car."

Charlie dipped his head down, seemingly ashamed of his own admission.

"I had a feeling it might," you muttered. He tilted his head to meet your gaze.

"I'm not still in love with her or anything. I know you didn't ask, but I want to assure you that's not why I'm not looking forward to this."

"Honey, you were married for 10 years. Of course there would still be love there. She's the mother of your child."

He peered into your eyes, nodding slowly. "Thank you for getting me. For understanding and knowing me. Even when the words don't come out right or at all, you always know exactly what I want to say."

Charlie moved to hold you again, peppering the side of your neck with tiny kisses. You tittered lightly, feeling his lips play cartographer on your sensitive skin. He hummed, breathing you in. "You smell incredible, sweetheart."

Your fingers lightly tangled in the hair cascading onto his neck. If you knew anything about your Charlie, he was trying to start something. When you gasped, it only encouraged him. "Charlie," you said.

"Hmm?" His response came muffled against your throat.

"We probably shouldn't show up wrinkled...or covered in hickies." You blushed as he pulled away, capturing your lips before moving away to take you in again.

"I know," he said, huffing out a laugh. "But it would give them something to talk about."

"Charlie." He shot you a toothy grin, loving how he managed to get a rise out of you in the moment. He pressed his lips to yours one more time, reaching around you to grab the safety belt and fastening it again. What he didn't realize, however, was that in doing so his own belt tightened almost comically. It provided levity to the situation that was so desperately needed.

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