I'm Scared.

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The sun was just beginning to fade away while you waited for the cab outside of your apartment. You and Jules had agreed on a nice coat to pair with your outfit so you wouldn't freeze. Charlie also had his own ideas about keeping you warm and was very insistent on you getting a ride and letting him take care of everything. 

"Not a chance. If you're coming all the way to me instead of the other way around, there's no way I'm letting you pay for it. 

He called back just to say those words. Even though you argued you were perfectly capable of taking the subway, but he wasn't having it. The driver arrived a lot sooner than expected and that's when you realized---all of this was real. You were finally going to see Charlie, live and in the flesh. It wouldn't be his voice over a phone or a string of messages that made your heart dance in your chest. Just Charlie. 

As you made your way to Brooklyn, you looked out the window at the city. You loved how it truly looked like a night sky filled with stars. You took a picture and sent it to Charlie. 

You: On my way to you.

You could feel a lump growing in your throat and were doing your best to will away your anxiety. You looked down at your hands, hoping you hadn't chipped or smudged the polish you had hurriedly applied before leaving your apartment. Your hands were shaking. Tears were threatening to sting your eyes. You quickly tilted your head back and took a deep breath; you dabbed the corners of your eyes unwilling to let a moment of panic ruin your makeup. You had worked too hard for this moment in more ways than one. You needed everything to be perfect. Your phone vibrated inside your clutch. You didn't hesitate to open it. You needed to hear from Charlie, but what you read came as a surprise.

Charlie: I feel silly even typing this, but I'm scared. 
You: Me too, a little. Not of you, though.
Charlie: I'm not afraid of you either.
Charlie: We've built this up a little, haven't we? :)

You swallowed and took another deep breath, composing yourself. You were grateful the driver was oblivious to your nearly having a breakdown in his backseat. 

You: Just a little.

The silence was almost deafening and for once your mind wasn't doing you any favors. No thoughts. No what ifs. Just you and just Charlie. 

Charlie: Still with me?

You loved when he would send that. It was so much more than "are you okay?". He wanted to know you were right there with him in the moment. 

You: Always.

Charlie: Nervous? 
You: Always. :)

You chuckled. You hoped he did too. You hadn't meant to text it, but without a thought in your head the words were free flowing. 

Charlie: I needed that. :)

He did. Good.

Charlie: Call me when you arrive?
You: I will. ❤️
Charlie: ❤️

You had crossed the bridge when you got another text from Charlie. 

Charlie: I'm going to be a little late. I left my apartment and realized I didn't have my wallet. I am so sorry.
You: No problem. I'll save a seat for you. :)
Charlie: Thanks for understanding. I'll see you soon. 

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