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"Turn around."

He was so close to you. You wanted him to reach out and touch you, any part of you so you would know you weren't dreaming. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath as you gingerly placed your phone on the bar. Slowly, you turned around and your eyes met his. There he was. He smiled warmly. Nothing could have prepared you for what you were experiencing in this moment. It was as if time managed to slow down and speed up all at once as you gazed into his eyes. Your body was commanding every nerve to fire at the same time. You were completely aflame, your soul on fire.

You couldn't believe it. 

"Charlie."  It came out breathlessly.

You wanted to rush into his arms. You needed him to hold you, but you were frozen in time. You wanted to savor this, not daring to even miss a single second. His eyes twinkled even in the dim light, never leaving yours. 


He was the most beautiful man you had ever met and you were completely enamored by him.

"Hi," you laughed lightheartedly. He was beaming now. His smile took your breath away. You wondered if you had been breathing at all. 

He gestured to the seat next to you.

"Is this seat taken?"

You were doing everything you could to contain your excitement in spite of your watery eyes as your heart threatened to burst through your chest, if only to reside next to his.


For those first few moments, you and Charlie sat in silence--completely in awe, drinking each other in. You were studying the curvature of each other's faces, to forever be burned into your memories. You moved your body in your seat to mirror his, both of your facing forward yet slightly turned. You were concerned you were trembling. Your hand was on the bar; you did your best not to fidget, but your best didn't keep your fingers from fluttering on. Instinctively, your hand inched closer to Charlie. His eyes darted between his own and where your hand had come to rest. Being ever so bold, he covered your hand fully until it was engulfed by his. A breathless sigh escaped your lips. You couldn't even begin to fathom how a single touch brought you such comfort. You took your time, relishing the feeling of his skin against yours, slowly turning your hand over so that you'd be palm to palm, lightly clasping one another. His hands were soft to the touch. His attention was brought back to your face as he used his thumb to worry your wrist, rubbing back and forth against the small patch of exposed skin there.

Nothing else mattered as the two of you sat there in the crowded bar. Your body was humming with electricity. The vibration emanating from your body was so extraordinarily potent and you wondered if he could feel it too. There was no question in your mind that by the night's end you'd find yourself in his bed...or so you hoped. 

Charlie opened his mouth to say something when the bartender came over. He was grinning. You both were reminded all too soon that you weren't alone. 

"And how are we doing over here?"

Charlie laughed half-heartedly as you blushed, his hand never leaving yours for a second.

"We're pretty great, actually."

 "I can see that." The bartender winked at you and motioned to your drink. "You want another?" You nodded as he looked back to Charlie. "Anything for you?"

Charlie eyeballed your drink before picking it up with his free hand and having a sniff. He looked to you for approval before bringing the glass to his lips and taking a sip. "How intimate," you thought.

Happy Merry Everything (Charlie Barber)Where stories live. Discover now