Opening Night pt. 3 - Encore

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It was the sound a cork leaving another bottle of champagne being opened backstage. Charlie was on his second partial glass as you sipped on your first.

Barely a half hour ago, the curtain fell on the first performance. The audience was silent. Charlie grabbed for your hand as you felt his body tense up beside you, panic no doubt setting in---when all of a sudden, the theater erupted in acclamation. Your watery eyes met his, his toothy grin a welcomed sight as he shook his head in disbelief. You both rose to your feet to applaud the cast, as did the rest of those in attendance, but your eyes never left Charlie. You knew this standing ovation was meant for him just as much as it was the performers on stage.

The cast and crew agreed it was time to move the celebration to dinner. Everyone was starving and more than willing to change locations because of it. Riding their collective highs, the group as a whole walked to Carmine's down the street from the theatre.

You were one of the last pairs out when Charlie stopped you, the two of you knowingly falling behind. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in close, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. His fingers caressed the side of your face as he moved your hair behind your ear. He leaned in, whispering.

"When we get home tonight, I'm going to go down on you until your legs are fucking shaking and you cum all over my face and then and only then am I going to fuck you..."

His words left you whimpering, his breath hot against your ear.


"And when I finally do--I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you'll feel me anytime you sit down for the next three days."

Your breathing was ragged, your pupils dilated with desire. Charlie placed a tender kiss against your cheek, his demeanor changing entirely, leaving you to wonder what the fuck just happened.

"Now...Ready for dinner?"  he asked with a sly smile. Someone's confidence was back in full force.


As promised, Nicole, Carter, and Henry were at the cast dinner and you found yourself sitting at the same table. Once everyone had ordered, so began the pleasantries and small talk. You were grateful it wasn't as heated as introductions earlier in the night. Henry tapped into his inner entertainer, chasing the giggles from the table after he celebrated being able to order a Coke and staying up past his bedtime.

"So do you guys have plans while you're here?"  Charlie asked as he popped a piece of fried calamari into his mouth.

"Uh, yeah. I have a couple of network meetings for a pilot Carter and I wrote together, might see some friends, and then we're gonna try to see a couple shows."

"Oh yeah? Which shows?"

"Well, we're taking Henry to see Frozen one night this week and we bought tickets for Moulin Rouge for tomorrow night so that's something."

"Oh! We just saw Moulin Rouge and it was fantastic."  You didn't know why you were being so bubbly. Maybe it was the alcohol...or the fact Charlie told you he was going to fuck you into the mattress later. Either way, you didn't have a care in the world.

Nicole swirled her wine in her glass. "You saw it with Charlie?" she asked, somewhat guarded.


Charlie took a rather exaggerated sip of wine and reached for another piece of calamari, knowing exactly what was coming.

"Since when do you like musicals more than plays?" she asked, making eye contact with him.
"No one said I like musicals more than plays."
"Yeah, but getting you to a musical when we were together was like pulling teeth unless you chose it and then it was always something ancient or wildly offbeat. I guess I just have a hard time picturing you willingly seeing a jukebox musical."
He bit his lip as he glanced fondly at you, and then turned back to Nicole.

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