Come What May

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Charlie: Is there anything in your overnight bag that can't be washed?

You were surprised when you received the message and, truthfully, a little embarrassed. In the whirlwind that was meeting Charlie, spending time with him, and sleeping in his bed earlier in the week, you had completely forgotten about leaving things behind at his apartment.

You: I'm sorry I left my bag. I'm so embarrassed! We kind of hurried out the door and it slipped my mind. I can come pick it up if you want.

You were a little flustered after pressing send. You stirred your mac and cheese, trying not to think about how Charlie might have thought it was an intentional plant like leaving a necklace behind so you could see a one night stand again.

Charlie: I wasn't asking you to come pick anything up. I was doing a load of laundry and noticed you left a few things here. If it isn't weird for you, I don't mind throwing your stuff in with mine.

Charlie: And if you're going to be spending the night more, it makes sense for you to have clothes here. I want you to be comfortable.

You: Are you sure that's what you want? Me having clothes there doesn't feel too fast?

A few minutes had passed before he replied.

Charlie: Should I not toss these in?
You: You can, if you want.
Charlie: If I want? That's not an answer.
You: Yes please. That would be great, thank you.
Charlie: Was that so hard? ;)

You couldn't help but smile. Times like these you didn't understand what Nicole didn't like about him, but you were grateful she had given you the opportunity to meet him. Her loss.

You sat down on the sofa and flicked on the TV. It took you a minute to get situated and you wondered if his couch felt nicer than yours or if you just missed him. Probably both. It's easy to miss anyone and their furniture when yours comes from Ikea.

Charlie: What are you up to tonight?
You snapped a quick photo of your dinner and sent it over.

Charlie: Do you always eat like a broke college student? ;)
You: I am offended. College student? I think not. Broke? I'll have you know this is the fancy organic white cheddar one so your assumption of broke is absolutely correct. :P

You shoved a big bite of mac and cheese into your mouth. Worth every penny.

Charlie: You should let me make dinner for you one night.
You fondly recalled Charlie making breakfast for you the nights you stayed over. He was an exceptional chef, leaving you to wonder if there was anything he couldn't do.

You: At your place or mine?  I'd love that by the way.
Charlie: Either/or. I'd love to see your place.
You: My whole one room?
Charlie: You're there. That's what matters. ❤️

Charlie went silent and you took that as the perfect time to polish off your dinner. The empty bowl in front of you made you eyeball the pot on the small stove in your kitchen, but you quickly decided the rest would be best savored for tomorrow's lunch.

Charlie: Laundry's in. Can I call?

You sat the bowl down on the coffee table and leaned into the crook of the couch.
You: Always.

Seconds later.


You couldn't contain your laughter. Someone really wanted to talk.

Happy Merry Everything (Charlie Barber)Where stories live. Discover now