Pillow Talk

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The two of you sat in silence, the dust of everything coming to settle in the moment. You were still sitting on his lap, unable to look him in the eye.

"You okay?" he asked softly, pressing a gentle kiss against your head.

"Mmhmm." Your cheeks were rosy from your recent efforts, but there he could tell was something else.

Charlie delicately moved a piece of hair out of your face before lovingly kissing your forehead.

"Sorry if I seem bashful. I promise I'm not trying to make things awkward."
"You're not." His voice was reassuring.
"It's just...never mind."
"What?" His eyes met yours again.
"What about me?"

"You're here—And I see you. I can feel you. All of you." You placed your hand over his heart.

"Do you regret it?" He was being cautious.
"No--do you?"
"Not at all."

"I was worried I might've messed things up. You said you wanted us to take our time and I kind of jumped on you."

He let out a breathy laugh. "I could have said no. I wanted you just as much. I still do." You blushed at his admission.

"Can I tell you something?"
"Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if you never responded to that text. How every day of my life would be different." The weight of everything leading you to this moment felt like it was too much. "Words can't even begin to describe how glad I am you did."

"Me too." He carefully plucked your hand from his chest and took it in his own.

" Some people would think what we did was... crazy."

He gave you a half smile. "Well...we're not 'people'. We're us."
"Did you ever think there would be an 'us'?"

"I think in the beginning I was just trying to wrap my head around all of this. I was taken in by you right away and I kept telling myself, "Charlie, you're talking to a total stranger." which arguably didn't last very long once we got past introductions and our phone calls, but...When I found myself opening up to you so quickly I-I was kind of terrified. You know? What if I was getting wrapped up in some You've Got Mail bullshit except the person I think is so wonderful is just some guy in Hoboken with a voice modulator."

You couldn't help your snicker.

"What? It's a valid fear. You've seen those shows. You're telling me you weren't worried too?"

"You mean after hearing your voice?"
"Yeah...and also talking to me, yeah."
"No. Maybe I was being a little too optimistic and a tad naive, but no."
"What about all that axe murderer stuff?" he joked.
"1. I'm a woman so that's a very real concern."
"That's fair."
"And 2. the moment I heard you giggle, I knew you couldn't hurt a fly."
"You do know Ted Bundy was supposedly very charming, right?"
"Is that the reason you haven't given me the tour of your place yet? Should I be concerned?" you teased.
"Oh, definitely."

You were both laughing by now.

"Prepare to see whips, chains, and torture devices." His eyes narrowed as waggled his eyebrows.
"Do you want the tour?"

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