I Don't Think That's Crazy At All.

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A couple of hours had passed when Charlie finally called to check in.

"Half of our costumes aren't here."

You could tell from the sound that he was taking a drag of a cigarette. He hadn't smoked, that you knew of, during any of the time he had spent with you. You realized it was a probably a stress thing unless he was trying to be respectful or really good at hiding it.

"We're fucked."
"How are they not there?"
"Your guess is as good as mine. When everything came in for load in and got sorted, they weren't here and no one fucking thought to tell me until today. All I know is we're going to have to shag major ass to get things ready by opening. I'm kinda glad you didn't come with me because I've been a total dick since I got here."

You knew Charlie could be hot headed. You had experienced a taste of his temper over the incident with the flowers, but nevertheless you wished you could have been there to support him. And, to his credit, you knew that anger was over feeling hurt more than anything else.

"How can I help?" Even though you weren't in any real position to do anything, you still extending the offer. He knew it too.

Charlie let out a breath you could tell he had been holding in. He was relaxing, you hoped.

"Honestly? Just talking to you made me feel a little better."
"I'm happy I could help."

He was quiet and then—
"I can't wait to hold you when I get back. I just want to forget all of this for a while."

You could hear someone in the background giving him grief and causing him to grumble.

"God dammit. I'm sorry. Hang on, please."

He pulled the phone away from his mouth. He was yelling.

"What? I'm on a call. What? I can't--Go tell him I said I don't care. Tell him he can wait. Apparently everything else fucking can."

He returned, his voice softer. "Sorry, I'm back."
"I may step out for a little while."
"What, why?"
"I wanted to get bottle of wine. I thought it might help you unwind later."

"Hmm...That does sound nice. You wouldn't have a way to get back in, though. I forgot to leave you my keys."
"Oh. Right." That would complicate things.
"I can pick one up for us. I told you I planned on grabbing dinner."

He was quiet for a moment and took another drag.

"Does it feel strange to you, by the way?"
"Talking on the phone again. I ask because now after we hang up, you know I'm coming home to you."

If you were being honest, you hadn't really thought about it. As you looked around his apartment, you realized just how surreal it was. Before a couple of nights ago, you hadn't even seen Charlie's face and now you were alone in his apartment and sharing his bed. It was a lot to take in to say the least.

"I don't really know how to explain what I'm feeling."
"I mean...I didn't know if we'd ever be here or where we'd end up and yet— here I am... on your couch—surrounded by little trinkets and things you've told me stories about and everything smells like you...I kinda just want you to be here already. Is that crazy?"
"I don't think that's crazy at all."

A comfortable silence fell over you.

"I don't want to, but I do need to go back inside. I'll text you when I'm on my way."

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