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You stared back at the phone, reading back over his words. You knew he didn't have anything to hide and you trusted Charlie implicitly, but no matter how much thought you put into it, none of it made any sense.

Resisting the urge to freak out or further interrogate Jules, especially since you knew it would lead to nowhere, you replied.

You: My lunch is almost over, but I can try to pop out for a few minutes when you call.

As soon as the message registered as delivered, your phone was ringing. Charlie.

You answered the call and began walking out of Studio 8H.

"Hey. There's my girl. Everything okay?"

You softened upon hearing the rich timbre of his voice. He really must've stepped out of wherever he had been because all you could hear in the background of the call were the sounds of the city.

"Better now."

Charlie chuckled. "I'm glad. Hearing your voice made my day better too."

You walked past a couple of interns hovering in the hallway and walked down the familiar corridor lined with photos of guests past.

"Crazy. I feel like I'm stuck in a revolving door. Just around and around."

You could hear him taking a drag. He was stress smoking. "I've been all over today. Well, not literally. I just feel like it. Sort of like I've been pulled in a lot of directions, lots of things needing my attention. Feels like I'm spinning."

"My head, for the most part. I'll be better once this day is over, but-- I didn't call to talk about me. What's going on with you, my love? How can I help?"

You sighed as Charlie puffed away on his cigarette.

"Today's been a mess." You leaned up against the wall. "Lorne's in a mood. Our host this week is sick. Tensions are high. Everyone's kind of at each other's throats and I'm just ready to be home."

"I'm so sorry, baby. I had no idea today was going so poorly. I should've made time earlier to FaceTime with you."

"No, no--It's okay. You have your own stuff going on today. I can't expect you to always be there when I need you."

"Wait, I'm sorry. That wasn't fair of me.You're always there when I need you. I'm just hungry and tired, but that's no excuse, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, sweetheart. I know you didn't mean it." You could hear him blowing out his smoke. "I can hear how exhausted you are in your voice."

You laughed ironically, your entire body wanting to slink down the wall and disappear into the floor. You were a ball of stress.
"Can I come home now? Please?"
"Soon, I promise. Would you like me to pick you up tonight? I can take the subway to you and we can take a cab home together?"

You whined in distaste. "Cabs are expensive though."

Charlie took another puff from his cigarette. "You're worth it. Besides, after a day like what you've had, you deserve to rest your head on my shoulder while someone drives us home."

"The subway is fine."
"You really want to deal with the stairs at the subway?"
"The elevators smell like pee."
"Yes, they do."
"We can take a cab."

Happy Merry Everything (Charlie Barber)Where stories live. Discover now