𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Soyeon's focus transitioned from the omelet pan to her sister, whose laughter filled the room

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Soyeon's focus transitioned from the omelet pan to her sister, whose laughter filled the room. Her eyebrows knitted together in reaction to the scene unfolding before her. It was a familiar sight, as she often caught her younger sibling engrossed in telephonic conversations, characterized by constant giggles, smiles, and grins. Clearly, the person on the other end held a special place in her sister's life.

She recognized the signs, having experienced similar emotions herself in the past. Despite her curiosity to inquire about her sister's mystery caller, she chose to remain silent, at least for the time being.

Having transferred the omelet onto a plate, she advanced towards the dining table and seated herself opposite her sister. Her attention was drawn to her sister's face, where her cheeks bore the vibrant hue of a ripe tomato. The blush was evident, and Soyeon understood its source - it was the result of that particular individual's influence once again.

A mental sigh escaped her as she observed her sister's rosy complexion for what seemed like the umpteenth time. The frequency of such occurrences had exceeded her ability to tally, and only the divine entity above held the actual count.

The consistent impact this person had on her sister piqued Soyeon's interest. Her curiosity had escalated to an all-time high, and she was on tenterhooks to unveil the identity of this person.

All she requires is the right moment.

"Let's dine now, Liz," she gently suggested, but her sister remained engrossed in the device clutched in her hand, offering no response. Observing her sister's current state, Soyeon felt a wave of discomfort wash over her internally. A sigh escaped her, as her sister's behavior began to irk her.

Another soft chuckle from her sister served as a cue for Soyeon to intervene in her sister's ongoing activity.

"Lizzy Veronica Jeon, please, for my sake, could you kindly set aside that phone so we can enjoy our meal?" Soyeon's remark carried a tone of frustration, evident in her voice.

Startled by her sister's reaction, Liz promptly placed her phone down, her gaze fixed on her now-irritated sister.

"This serves as my initial caution, Liz. I implore you not to compel me to issue a second warning." Soyeon's intense stare was disconcerting, akin to the piercing gaze of a prowling lion fixated on its prey. The intensity alone could instill a sense of trepidation in her.

Soyeon places great importance on proper table etiquette, which is why she felt offended when someone failed to adhere to it. She views it as impolite when people continue to engage in texting and searching on their mobile devices while seated at the dinner table. It evokes a sense of disappointment when you have dedicated considerable effort to prepare a meal, only to have the person you are dining with prioritize their phone over the food and the shared experience.

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