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Villa's POV:

The car ride was a bit awkward and silent. We both didn't know what to say.

"What did you do without me?" He finally spoke breaking the awful silence. I don't like staying silent I love to talk.

"Don't even talk about it, I was so bored" I started. Honestly, there's nothing. All I did was, daydream about him.

"But... I did learn the British accent" I said joyfully fully turning towards him. I pulled my legs up and sat like in Indian style.

"You did?" He chuckled.

"Yeah! Sam taught me." I answered. He didn't say anything but stayed focused on the driving.

"What about you?" I started at his bruises. They were no longer purple. One on his corner of the lips, a few on the cheek and near the eye.

I just realized it must have hurt him when I kissed him.

"Work," he said.

Work? That's it? He always gives me short answers and I hate that.


Suddenly his screen popped up which was on the headboard of the car. I didn't look at it.

"Can you check that for me?" he asked.

Me? Sure.

I stretched my hand took the phone and unlocked it. There's no password.

I wish he was this transparent in real life.

"Read aloud"

I always get confused with his accent. It's always mixed. The text from his dad.

"It's from teamashnights" I informed.

"Sir, tonight at 9.." I started reading it in my new leaned British accent but miserably failed.

"Stop, read normally"

okay, so I'm very bad.


" Sir,

This is to inform you that Mr. knights have arranged a family dinner tonight at 9.

Kindly be there with Miss Anderson. Her presence is required. Mr. Alex Rivera and his family will also be joining us there.

Thank you.


From team ashnights "

I read it aloud. I gasped when reading my name. I looked at him. I was scared of my death when I saw my name. They're asking for my presence.

But the crazy thing was why was his team informing this, even his dad can message him would do.

Fancy people.

"I knew this was coming" he muttered.

"I don't want to, I want to go home" I panicked. Is this because I was pictured with him.

He didn't say anything and I didn't too.

Does that mean he won't take me?

Of course, he didn't yes.

Maybe he's just embarrassed to take you. Just look at you. My inner self butted in.

True that. I agreed.

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