Meeting the squad

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Villa's POV:

"And who is this champion," someone said pulling me from my thoughts and I looked up. I looked up and saw that all the eyes were now on me. Harris slid a little away from me revealing my small thin figure. I looked at Harris and then at Ashton.

"H" that's all I could say.

They say don't greet strangers. yes, you did great honey. I said to myself sarcastically.

An arm wrapped around my shoulder and it was Harris's, pulling me into him lightly and rubbing my shoulders as he introduced me.

"This kiddo is villa, my intern but my..."

"His one and only but not a biological child" I finished the sentence with a tight smile on my face. I looked up to him as we both smiled at each other after our little father-daughter time when I turned to see them, they all had can-we-skip-this-father-daughter-shit-now look on their face.

Alex chuckled " Alex Rivera" and he extended his hand toward me and we shook hands.


"Is that limited champion sneakers," he suddenly asked with an amused expression on his face.

"Yup, it is." I said huge a huge smile on my face and said yup while popping the 'p'.

"Guess what we're already besties. Harris, she's in good hands now" he said holding my arms and pulling me flush into his side ignoring that lady while winking at Harris.

"Haha now I have no worries I can die peacefully." Harris joked and I had that don't-leave-me-please look on my face.

Both Victoria and Ashton had a stop-it-already look on their face but I had a horrid expression. because I don't get along usually.

Not usually, you don't. my inner self spoke.

I never had good friends besides soph. I don't like them they're annoying.

That's because you were homeschooled. my inner self interrupted again.

"Okay have fun you guys, and no alcohol vil," he said after leaving me these annoying strangers. My gaze followed him until he disappeared from my view.

"Like I would" I whispered.

"So you're hungry?" Alex asked causing me to smile wider and I immeasurable nodded.

"Always," I responded in a sweet voice.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay, so Victoria's on diet, and Ashton what about you? Will you join us?" Alex asked.

" Yup, just wait here I'll message rhea to bring dinner here. Take a sit" He said and instant messaged a woman called rhea to bring over the food.

I couldn't help but think about what would be in the dinner and I have a huge appetite. I'm not your average girl when it comes to food. I eat a lot but I never gain weight. Soon two waitresses came and set up a table for us and they served to me and Alex and Ashton while Victoria was just sitting there watching us eat. Annoying.

"So what is your story?" Victoria asked me.

After thinking for a second I spoke " My story? Eat, pray, and love." I said while smiling like a fool.

"In short nothing interesting," I said. Alex started laughing and Victoria too but I heard An anonymous chuckle which I assumed came from Ashton. It was rare I could tell. I looked directly at him and he was already looking at me but looked away as we made eye contact.

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