Ash needs Space

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Villa's POV:

A loud honk woke me up. Dizzily I yawned and sat up straight. I looked around I was still in the car and I was alone.

Frowning, I looked outside. The car was halted near the sidewalk of the Brooklyn bridge. The indicators were on. I saw few cars at high speed passing by. I started searching for Ashton. It was midnight already.

Without wasting any time I stepped out of the car. It was oddly frosty weather.

What's up with the weather these days? I thought.

I saw Ashton and Mark, smoking near the fencing of the bridge while talking about something. I saw Ash nodded in agreement after mark said something while gazing at the city view. I breathed out in relief. I smiled and made my way to him.

Mark felt my presence before I could approach them. He whispered something to him and immediately took his leave. He wished me good night as I nodded at him. Ashton's back was facing me. I went near him and silently squeezed myself in between the fence and him.

"Hi" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hey" he replied with no excitement. I pouted.

"Are we not going home?" I asked as I stared at him.

"We're waiting for someone," he said while he smoked.

"Oh, I saw masking leaving"

"I sent him home" I hummed in response. I got excited because then it's going to be me and him. I turned around and I peeked at the water that flowed underneath as I took a deep breath.

"It's so silent" I breathed out. I turned back and I saw he had stopped smoking. He threw the cigar down and pissed it with his foot. I knew he'd never smoke around me because he said he doesn't want me to breathe in secondhand smoke which is dangerous to a non-smoker, who breathes it in, and even for a short time, it can hurt your body.

He hummed.

"Your eyes look so pretty in the night, very sparkly and dark oceanic" he cupped my cheeks. I scrunched up my face in response. He complimented my eyes for the first time.

"Wrap your arms around me" I demanded as I rested my cheek on his chest and closed my eyes. His arms secured me as we both stayed there for a while and since I can't stay silent for more than five minutes and I broke the silence.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked and looked up, resting my chin on his chest. I would be lying if I saw I wasn't trying to look cute.

He chuckled and looked down.

"I don't have a favorite color"

"That's not true." I pouted.

"It is, do you even know me? I'm plain I'm not a colorful person" he smiled. I frowned thinking about something and my eyes lit up with a theory.

"I know you," I said seriously with fire in my eyes. He stared back.

"You're like water and you are a color of water" I started. "You're a mixture of grey, white, back, blue, green but you think you're colorless which you're not" I found amusement in his eyes and I kept going.

"You're calm yet dangerous, strong but you don't show, and oh my god..." I exclaimed in realization. "You're pieces, your zodiac sign is pieces" I jumped.

"Why is that" he half smiled, suddenly his behavior changed from lightened one to a distinct one.

"No wonder you're exceptionally handsome, you're moody and possessive, dark, always head in the clouds.."

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