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Alex's POV:

"Alex, what the fuck is she doing here?" Victoria jumped in. I wanted her to shut up. Villa, beside me, was trembling.

And the next thing she said was " you killed him" to the villa.

"What's wrong with her?" Villa chuckled. Ignoring everything villa headed to the ICU room. I was behind her. I wanted to protect her, mostly I wanted to be with her. Without her, life was sour. I wanted to be with her but I thought that she needed some space so didn't try to reach out. On the other hand those days I used to make things right to lily but she had completely shut me off.

I love her so much. It was like there wasn't a single day, I didn't think about her. She was my sunshine and I lost her. She was nowhere to be found.

I saw her eyes met Liam's but she ignored everyone's gaze. She made her way to the ICU room. She looked through the small glass windows of the door. She started sobbing more once she saw ash laying there lifelessly with several injuries.

I stood behind her to rub her back as we both watched Ashton fighting for his life. Doctors were performing the surgeries. So many wires and needles were attached to his body.

"Please" villa moaned in pain. I wrapped my one arm around her neck and pulled her to me. Her back hit my chest as she leaned back. I put my chin on her head as she grabbed my hand and sobbed. Sobbed hard.

"Shhhh! He'll be alright" I whispered sweet, positive things to her.

"Hello? Alex, I said what is she doing here?" Victoria interrupted from behind.

"Not now Victoria" I turned and glared at her but before she could shut up, villa jerked my arm away, and went for Victoria. Before I knew anything she slapped her hard.

Victoria's head threw to the other side from the impact. Everyone was shocked.

I looked at my parents and they were shocked too.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up" villa roared.

"Shut up! did you hear me, no words! I have had enough of you" villa looked like she was about to kill her. For the first time in my lifetime, I saw fear in Victoria's eyes. She was speechless. It was like someone had stolen her crown. Villa turned and was about to come back to me but Victoria spoke, while trembling.

"He was coming to see you..." Villa stopped in her tracks. Her brows knotted as she faced Victoria. Fear registered on my face also on Liam's face. I didn't want her to know that yet.

"Victoria, some other time, not now" I tried to grab the villa's arm but she jerked it away.

"Let her complete!" she said. Victoria folded her arms.

"He was on the way to meet you, to you," she screamed and continued "to tell you good luck but he got into the accident. Why? Because someone decided to call him, 2 fuckin in the morning."

"When he woke up, with a hangover, he saw your missed calls so without thinking anything...." She cried. "he didn't even wait for the driver and... " She started sobbing. "Got himself into a huge accident" Victoria was yelling.

Villa didn't realize that she was now on the floor, breathing hard.

"Stop it" she murmured.

"Why? It's all your fault" she yelled at her.

"Calm down everyone," my mum interrupted and stepped in. "This is not the time... And villa honey it's not your fault." My mum rubbed her back, back, and forth.

While everyone was focused on the villa and Victoria, my gaze was fixed on Victoria. The pain in her eyes and love for Ashton was beyond anyone could knew.

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