You're that thing

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Villa's POV:

"Stop," I said aggressively.

I just hate it whenever he took control and he never asks. He makes me miserable. One moment he doesn't give a shit about me and the next second he's kissing me.

In just a few seconds it turned into a heat of the moment. His hands eventually wrapped around my bare mid-waist, pulling me close, barely leaving any distance. My small frame melted into him. The kiss wasn't our regular kiss, it was intense and I could feel him that he wanted me at that time so I gave in.

It was a full-on, open-mouthed, almost sexual kiss I have ever had and I loved it. It was all his doing. I never knew how my inexperienced lips felt so experienced with his lips. The way our lips fit like two puzzle pieces. I tiptoed as my arms reached up and tangled around his neck. He pulled me fiercely towards him, making the door bang loudly as he pushed me harder on the frame. My chest arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body.

"," I said during the kiss. But instead, he started kissing me more roughly. I wanted to pull away before I lose myself to him but I couldn't seem to because I was already lost, lost In that cloudy and electrified moment. My senses had been seduced and I could no longer think straight. When we broke away after what seemed like ages he looked at me...His lips brush against mine. He again slowly took my bottom lip and bit it, causing a little amount of blood draw out. I wanted more. I shouldn't. Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to my hip.

My breath hitched and I realized what I was doing. I pressed my palms against his chest, intending to push him away which he did this time. He pulled away a bit. We both were breathing heavily. My brain went numb it was like he fudged my brain out.

"Come out fast" he whispered and removed his hands he left. He fudging left. I suddenly felt too cold, I looked at my face in the mirror, it was red, flushed red. Like someone applied blushed all over my face. I immediately wore my clothes before removing that lingerie very carefully. I silently went out to see all the lady employ were standing there, waiting for me to come out. They all were smiling shyly. I gave back the lingerie blushingly. I went down and saw he was talking on the phone. I walked over to him but he didn't even bother to look at me.

"I'll be there," he said coldly and put his phone in his pocket. I went over to the cashier and he smiled politely as I did the same.

"I'd like to pay..."

"No need ma'am" I arched my eyebrows in confusion and before I could protest a hand wrapped around my hand which was obviously Ashton's and he started pulling me out.

"Let's go"

"I need to pay, stop...wait" I wiggled slowly, trying not to make any scene.

"Not now," he said and he already opened the door for me. He put his hand behind my back and I went in without any choice. I plugged the seat belt in and looked at him as he did the same.

"How much do I have to pay you?" I asked. I was afraid that I was already in a huge depth. The lingerie and other stuff were branded high-class clothes. Even a simple white underwear had 600 dollars priced tag. How will I pay him back? I thought.

God, I complained as I pouted.

"I got this emergency meeting at the office so I have to go there, so will you be fine alone?" he asked while looking at me and then diverting his attention back to the road.

No, I'm not staying alone. Nope.

"Can you drop me to my apartment?"

"It will be good if you don't go there for a few days, they also found where you live, so..."

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