When did you start cursing?

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Villa's POV:

"You're the thing I haven't done before," he said softly looking at the now a bit bright sky. Sun was rising mightily, shining upon us like he's giving his blessing already. The view before us was mesmerizing and suddenly I got new hope for us.

I didn't say anything but I too looked at the sky. I was sleepy, tired but I wanted to stay awake beside him. I turned my head to him.

"I'm not the right person for you, I don't talk much, I don't have any interests or hobbies except business, my life is busy as fuck, if you date me you'll be all over the world and it won't be easy..."

"I'm already on news" I chuckled.

"It's different, this issues can be covered easily as a scandal..."

"I don't want this to be a scandal" those words slipped like I was an alcoholic. where are these words coming from the villa? Are you drunk?

He took a deep breath and turned to look at me. His hand came forward and touched my cheek as I close my eyes and leaned to feel the warmth of his hand. His thumb caressed my cheek. We just stayed there like that for a minute. I think this was one of the most loving gestures I have ever received in my life until right now.

I was getting more and more sleepy second by second but I was trying my best to stay awake with him.

"We can't" he whispered.

"Why?" I asked as I removed his hand from my cheek and sitting up.

"No reasons, I don't want to," he said while sitting up too and looked away.


I jumped from the trunk, leaving him there and opened the back door of the car, and laid there and trying to let sleep consume me. I was feeling hurt. I was angry and sad. Tears were welled up in my eyes but I tried to keep my eyes shut and soon I drifted into sleep.

11 in the morning:

"I told you I was at the clinic, you should have known that I was taking a night shift." My dad yelled at my mom. I opened my door a bit wide to get a clear view of the scene.

"John I'm a human, at least you should have reminded me" my mom yelled back.

"I'm a human too Lisa, and villa is not my only child, she's yours too"

"Fuck you," he said and turned away from my mom. Tears started coming out of my eyes as I saw them fighting.

"Fuck you john fuck you, I'm only here because of the villa I wish I could left you" My mom there her hands up, dissing my father.


My eyes snapped opened. I was sweating and breathing hard. I sat up trying to calm my breath. I started taking deep breaths via my mouth. I put my hand on my heart to calm myself.

"Another useless nightmare," I whispered.

My first words were supposed to be my prayer.

I quickly prayed. I yawned and scratched my eyes and looked around. I was in an unfamiliar room. I quickly sat up. It wasn't Ashton's house either. But heck this one was screaming money. The furniture was modern and everything around me was simple yet elegant. My ear suddenly started capturing some male voices. I left the room I was in and climbed the stairs. Before I could follow them I saw a mirror and looked at myself. Wow, I looked messed up.

Leave it.

I stopped for a bit to look around. This was definitely some billionaire's house. The house was very fancy; every single thing was looking expansive but so pretty. The house contained minimal things; it wasn't a huge mansion but a comfortable average-sized house. I saw a glass door from a distance. The vice was coming from there.

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