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Villa's POV:

We made it to Mr. Knights's penthouse at 11. The car ride was silent except Mr. knight got so many calls from friends and family asking if the news were true and he declined it.

Ouch, that hurts.

I got out of the car and waited for Mr. knights to come out. he was still on his phone talking to someone about the scandal. After a few minutes he came out, he made his way to the apartment while his one hand holding the phone. I followed him walking a bit close to him, just for no reason. We got into the elevator and he pressed the last floor of the building. The silence between us was consuming me.

I can't stay for more than an hour without talking.

"So will I able to go to college tomorrow?" I asked and looked at him. He could see me from the front glass of the elevator so he didn't bother to look at me. He ran his hand through his hair as he pursed his lips and looked down for a while.

"Don't worry about that Alex will handle it and your personal information will be kept confidential so also don't worry about anything, so...mmm...few days just stay here low-key"

"Oh, so... my attendance...?" I can't let my attendance fall because that because they won't let me sit In the exam if I don't have 95% attendance but before that my parents will kill me.

It's ok, how bad this can be? Everything will be alright.

"Don't worry about anything, I'll personally talk to him and we can even arrange some online classes if you like?"

"Yes please," I joined my hands.

I'm so relieved that at least I'll not be skipping my classes but I won't mind skipping classes too because I don't like studying at all but I can't afford that because I have to study hard and get the scholarship and stuff so no choice.


As soon as the elevator door opened it revealed a beautiful yet very lavishing Morden penthouse I have ever seen in my life till now. Just like those you see in magazines. The marble glass-like brownish tiles were so silky and classy that I could even see my faded self Cleary.

I went in it first as we entered the living room. Everything was so fancy that I was scared for a moment that I'd break something. I saw the kitchen from far, I saw the huge balcony which gave the most beautiful panoramic view of new York city. I turned and looked at Mr. knights who was busy switching the TV channels while sitting on the couch as he removed his shoes.

"This is so pretty, but I thought that mansion was your home," I asked curiously and walked near him.

"That's not mine, my parents live there." He answered.

"Oh, and no pictures here?" in that mansion there was a special room for pictures but I couldn't spot a single picture here.

"I don't like pictures," he said coldly.

I simply sat on the couch, was trying not to behave like a curious kid running here and there in someone's house.

"this time it's not about the scandal of our famous and Hollywood trio, but this time its world most famous eligible bachelor Ashton knight's, son of the former president of united of states William knights. Ashton and a mysterious girl Cozy Up as They Celebrate Alex Rivera's Birthday in Japan and unfortunately, it was not Victoria Kingston. Some pictures got leaked from Alex Rivera's birthday and looked like they spent the whole night together. A source says..." Mr. Knights turned off the TV as he threw the remote on the couch lazily.
Wait a minute.

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