You'll ruin him

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Villa's POV:

Shaking his head he pulled me up straight. I saw him showing his pearly white teeth which were rare and I giggled. I was excited and feeling the prettiest and lucky person on this earth.

pretties? why? because I was with him.

He led me to the helicopter.

A guard opened the door for us as I slid in first on the brown leather and Scooted near the window side like a kid. Ashton came in as they closed the door.

"Good evening Mr. Knights and Ms. Anderson" we both greeted him back. the smile or grin on my face was growing more and more every second at the same time I was worried about myself because from this moment I don't have control over myself.

I was feeling drunk and lost.

"Ready?" he asked.

"I AM SO READYYYYY," I said keenly. I was beyond ready.

Soon they took off. It wasn't your average plane flight. I felt a bit thrown back as the pilot pulled the helicopter up and clutched on Ashton's arm but I didn't close my eyes. my eyes were fully open, trying to grasp every single thing.

In a swift moment, we were up in a High, flying through nothing but a simple thin air medium between skyscrapers. I could feel my BP rising but I never cared.

I looked back to see we were already far away from the knights building. compared to other skyscrapers knights were the highest buildings standing tall showing the legacy of knights. I looked at everything like it was my last, the voice of the helicopter was barely reaching my ears, glassed were thick and bulletproof. I unblinkingly grasped every single thing in; the way the pilot was functioning this thing, the way those wings were moving, the way those neon lights were blinking, the way the city moved below me, it was like we're swimming in an air medium, very smoothly.

I eagerly observe all the faction that the pilot had in front of him as scooted near Ashton.

He slowly turned the gear on the left side as the helicopter turned to the left direction smoothly in a 180-degree turn.

"THAT...WAS...AMAZING" I cried with happiness.

"Haha thank you miss!" he said. I turned back to show how excited I was to Ashton but he sat there, laying his head back with eyes closed. I could see how he was tired. I saw his bruises which were illuminated by the city lights. his face looked so illuminated, illuminating every single perfectly carved features.

A single thought, me here being with him makes me have all those butterflies in my stomach.

For a few minutes, I just looked here and there as my eyes reached and observed every single corner of the 180-degree view from the window.

Soon, feeling satisfied I leaned back as I removed his hand from his lap and settled me in his chest bravely bought his hand around me, and this time he wasn't taken back from my action. so I was practically half laid on the couch but my legs were still touching the bottom.

Maybe we're making a progress.

I started gazing outside with this position but what happened next was something unexpected. he tightened his arm around my shoulder-neck area and sneaked another around my stomach pulling me closer to his chest.

"I'm sorry," I said in a hushed tone. I don't know if he really heard that but I really felt like I should be apologizing for my behavior. it wasn't fair.

I could feel his chest's movement.

"For what" he slowly said. I looked up again but still, his eyes were closed. I turned my gaze back outside through the glass. We were still passing some average heightened skyscrapers.

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