Beautiful People

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Lily's POV:

I looked outside my car though the window. bodyguards were guarding my cars and there in front of me stood our private jet. Shiloh airlines. I'm the daughter of the Rodriguez family. Shiloh is my older brother's name.

My dad named every single business on his name because he's an heir of the Rodriguez family. My father never thought me as a daughter he always saw me as a business deal and here I am dealing with Alex. he arranged me with Alex who doesn't even seem to like me a bit. he calls me his side girlfriend whenever I'm with him and I always try to cop up with that because I like him. I like him a lot.

He is not a bad person. he's just cold because he likes victoria and he knows that our parents arranged us for a deal but he doesn't treat me badly

but he hates you, my inner self reminded me.

He said: " look, I'll never like you. let's just do whatever we like and let's not interfere into each other's business." I remembered.

I didn't like it at first but now it is normal. we both attend events together as a couple and then go back to each other's way. we smile, we hug and laugh in front of the media.So here I was for the same, Alex's birthday event. it was like a college attendance sheet for us, we attend each other's events and the media writes about us. since Alex always goes big in anything and I mean it. he goes big in everything and because of his fun-loving personality Alex's most popular among the trio.

I was waiting for a girl named villa Alex mentioned. I wish she is kind not like victoria. I didn't want to attend his birthday at first but didn't want to miss that either. A knock appeared on my window pulling me out of my thoughts.

"mam, she's here," My bodyguard John said as he opened the door for me. he bent a little and gave me his hand which I took it and came out of the car.

"Thank you john" I thanked politely. I turned around to see a teenager made her way towards me whom I assumed as Villa Anderson.

She was wearing a grey champion sweatshirt and sweatpants paired with black boots. She looked cute. she had a small face with small delicate pure features. she had a little shy smile on her which was indicating that she was a little nervous.

"Hi," she said while extending her hand as she approached me.

"Hi" I replied by taking her hand in and pulling her into a hug.

"Nice to meet you," I said.She hugged me back and we pulled away. I looked at my bodyguard and indicated him to take care of our luggage.

"Let's get in," I said.

"Yay," she said excitedly as followed me in.We settled ourselves in my jet. she sat in front of me and smiled. I smiled too. no one usually sat in front of me they liked to sit alone.

I going to have a good time. I thought.

"Make your self comfortable," I said while removing my jacket and gave it to the air hostess.She was taking a moment to look around, the face of hers was full of amusements as if she was seeing all this for the first time. soon we took off and in a few moments, we were up high in the sky in this flying metal tube. I sighed and looked outside.It looked pretty, much pretty, and a smile formed on my face immediately.

"It's wonderful" she whispered.

"Indeed" I replied as we both started out of the window like a child. I noticed she had her camera hung around her neck.

she must like to take pictures.

I faced back to the window. the sky wasn't clear. it was filled with cotton candy looking clouds. As the morning light becomes more and more brilliant, clouds shined like nascent snow, stretching to the horizon.

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