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Villa's POV:

Days passed away like water slipping through my hands. those days were filled with fancy dinner dates with Sophia or all day chatting with Alex. I and Alex became much closer than I could ever think. my life right now was perfect. I couldn't even imagine that I was about to graduate in 1 months.

Passing through the hallway of NYU with the earphone in my ears, Taylor swift's new romantics was playing from my playlist. the hall walls were plastered with the artwork of people I didn't know, students were laughing, giggling around and from the middle of the crowd, I was walking like a zombie and nobody seemed to care that I was there. Nobody seemed to even notice me and I liked it that way.

why? because I feel like I should be somewhere else, somewhere far and better, Soaking up the vitamin sea and D with the people I belong with. brushing away my endless classy thoughts I shook my head and I exited through the entrance door.

Looking down I started to walk out of the campus.

beep.beep my phone vibrated.

I took it out from my jeans pocket, it was a text message from Alex. A smile formed on my face instantly and I didn't even know why but there was this strange emotion I experience whenever I talk with Alex. It was like i was having a little crush on him but there was no room for me.

he was already hitched with a girl called lily he didn't tell me much but his parents set him up to her forcibly and she's a billionaire too but Alex doesn't have feelings for her and he calls her side girlfriend. deep down I felt a little bit sad for her because no one deserves to be called side girlfriend. I even told him not to behave like that but he won't listen so I didn't butt in further too.

but for me, its different. i know he sees me as a sister but the way he calls me princess, the was he cares by texting whether I ate or not, the way he gets my hopes up those were strange things to me and no one had ever done that to me nor that I got that much of attention from the boys. but this here, what I was developing was something different something more strange and pretty.

the message read Alex: " princess chin up always"

I frowned and arched my eyebrows with confusion on my face. I stopped walking and I read the message again.chin up? I looked up and afar from me there stood Alex Rivera with his black range rover which he calls his one and only girlfriend range baby.

He was wearing a simple white v neck t-shirt paired with washed blue denim jeans and a black Raybon's on his face. his skin was illuminated by the sun rays and because of his folded hands, his muscles were on display with his toned chest.

There was a pretty casualness on his face. All that was missing was the smirk. he always smirks but today A small smile played on his lips and that was because every single girl of the university were throwing themselves on him I mean how can we forget that he's Alex THE Rivera.

I ran to him before I could even stop myself. it had been long since I met him and him showing up finally after thousands of text messages it felt amazing or it was a sudden urge to show those ladies that this guy is mine.

 it had been long since I met him and him showing up finally after thousands of text messages it felt amazing or it was a sudden urge to show those ladies that this guy is mine

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