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Villa's POV:

It was all about these moments. Inferno moments, getting into this whole new world of ash and Alex's wasn't less than a uncontrollable fire. It's crazy how I didn't/don't refer to only one, my Ashton but Alex also gets to add into my life.

As for an introvert, Everything was overwhelming but amazing. I was experiencing and seeing all things I Haven't done and seen in my whole life. You realize that, except you there was a whole new world out there you haven't got tested yet.

I remembered ted Kennedy's quote" 

It's midnight in London. I didn't know what was going. Alex just took his jet and we flew to London in few hours. He told me Ashton was there for business purpose.

Alex told me "You..." pressed his finger on my forehead "You grab him by his collar and tell him how much you love him and  knock some sense out of him? understood?"

And that's what I was going to do tonight. Teamashknights told us that he was in some pub named siesta and I was excited and happy that I will take him home.

I additionally got to know that he regularly visits London because he was raised by his grandmother here and he doesn't go without visiting her. Besides that he also own a house here too.

I checked my internet and I was everywhere again, I saw my name here and there. My private information were kept confidential so that's another relief. Alex told me that's because of teamashknights.

I checked my social media account. When I opened my IG, there were millions of followers requesting me to accept their request.

"Look at this picture, it's my favorite" Alex scooted near me as I glanced at his phone. It was that picture when someone commented, I love your earrings and I turned back and gave them the cutest smile. 

I usually don't like my pictures and I hate them being taken but this one was my favorite too. I grinned and touched my earring and caresses it.

"This is my first time being in London" I grimaced.

"I know and let's make it special" he suddenly bent down and started looking for something below our seat.

When he stretched his hand down, his sleeve rose up as I saw the red Indian thread I tied him and it made me so happy that he kept it.

He grabbed a huge white box with a pink ribbon on it. My eyes widened at how huge it was.

"Here, change into this before we enter the pub"

I amusingly and excitedly opened the box and it was a black dress, it was a tube short dress. There were also lacy black full-sleeved gloves. I exclaimed with joy. I loved how he chose a dress with gloves. He knows how I don't like to show my hands and all.

 He knows how I don't like to show my hands and all

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But that dress was too much revealing.

"Was it you? In Japan? That dress, on the club night... You gave it to me right?" I asked but my attention was on the dress. It had a velvety texture as I run my hand on it. It felt soo good and smooth.

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