To me

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Ashton's POV:

"Where are you?" she asked. I didn't say anything just remained silent. I don't think telling her I'm here with Victoria is a good idea. it might cause some misunderstanding, which is unnecessary.

"Ashton" I heard Victoria from behind, my eyes widened as I removed my phone from my ear. I took a deep breath, thanking God that she finally woke up. Suddenly I forgot I was talking to vil. I didn't hear what she said.

"I'll call you later, wait for me okay?" I wanted her to wait for me. Today no matter what I want to see her and talk to her. I hung up the call. I put my phone aside as I saw Victoria tearing up as she tried to sit up.

"Ashton" she called again and spread her arms wide. I pulled her into me as she started crying. her hands clutched on my neck as her life depended on me. I held her tight even those wires were still attached to her wrists.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I rubbed her back. She just sobbed more and more.

"Why did you do it?" I whispered.

"You guys, left me alone, don't leave me, ever again," she managed to complain even in this situation.

"I won't but I need you to respect our decisions, things can't go always as you want" I replied. Soon her sobs turned into hiccups. I didn't stop rubbing her back soothing her.

"You're mine," she argued. I just stayed silent; I didn't want to argue right now. She just came back from death and I don't want to lose her again.

"Let's get you tucked in okay?" I said. I felt her nodding. We pulled apart slowly. She didn't let go of my hand. I helped her to lay back and tucked in. I just saw her falling asleep.

After an hour, she looked like she was in deep sleep so I took the chance to take a break and meet villa. So I stood up and called a nurse to look after her. I left the hospital in hurry and rushed to Vivera.

As soon as I reach our bungalow, I saw a watchman surveilling. he saluted me when he saw me coming and I nodded. it was still dark but I had a feeling that she might be waiting for me but that feelings got crushed down once I entered in and saw both sleepings together, on a sofa. Alex's arms were wrapped around her as she held his arms tightly. Her back was touching Alex's chest.

Anger filled in me as I felt my fingers curling into a fist. unable to do something, I just swallowed my retort and I just went to my room and took a quick cold shower, got fresh, and rushed to the office.

Me, ignoring my feelings will only make it worse.

I'll never understand her.

Once I checked everything, I gave the task to Ryan and again went for Victoria. I called her parents, letting them know that's she's safe. Her parents are in Spain, doing business and I don't think they'll make it today. I entered her room, she was still sleeping. I stared at her for a moment.

Quitting the staring I just sat on the couch feeling exhausted. I didn't sleep for two days and that caused my eyes to give up.

1:00 in noon:

"Stop making voices, he's sleepy, I swear I'll fire you if he woke up" I heard a voice. My eyes snapped open as my system got awakened right away. My eyes took in every ray of light and without a doubt I know I've slept too long. The noises were of a day in full swing. I looked around and saw Victoria scolding a nurse who was just doing her work. The first thing that came into my mind was villa, wondering if she woke up or what she and Alex are doing right now!

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