part 15

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Mariah p.o.v

We was in KaVeyahs room. Chris wanted us to get ready for i dont know what. But Vey just kept crying. I didn't know what to do.

"Mommy when daddie agguie comwing back" she said rubbing her eyes.

"Baby....daddie agguie.." i tralied off...she doesnt know what had happen to him " he went on a long vacation...he be back soon." i know i lied..but she doesnt know that August is dead.

She grabbed a picture by her bed and held on to it.

"Well how come he dont take us with him" she said looking down at the picture.

"I dont hear no fucking water runing up there..hurry yall dumb asses up" chris yelled.

I hurried and picked vey some clothes out. I got her underwear and socks. I picked her up and went to the master bedroom and went to the bathroom in there. I started the shower and picked out my clothes. Me and vey were going match.

White leggings

A black and gold last king shirt

Black sandles with gold zippers

We got in the shower.

"Mommy when the baby coming " she asked as she rubbed strawberry body wash on my little baby bumb,

Everytime i here that. Or chris brings it up, i get a sick feeling. Knowing what he did to me. And hes okay with that. I forced a smile out.

"Soon baby" i say washing her hair.

"You having a boy or girl" she says washing her body up.

"Well babygirl i dont know yet...hurry we dont wana make daddy mad" i rinsed the shampoo out of her hair and began on mine.

We took about a 30min shower. Then got out.

I wrapped her and my self in a towel and turned the shower off. We walked into the room. And there he was. With a huge ass smile on his face.

"Y-yes chris" i ask pullomg KaVeyah towards me more.

"Yall look beautiful...vey come here" he says reaching his arm out for her.

I clinched on to her.

"Chris..w-were g-getting ready..leave please." i was getting nervous. Knowing what he did im not taking any chances.

"Shut the fuck.. KaVeyah come" he said.

He had a devilish look on his face.

I was scared. I felt veyah shake. I pray he dont do nothing. I bend down giving her a kiss on the cheek and told her to go towards him i followed right behind her.

"Hows daddies princess doing " he said pulling her onto his lap.

I looked straight at him. So many things going tjrew my head i just wanted to slap the shit out of him.

Veyah slowly replied back.

"Good...daddy i hawvee to get dressed with mommy" she says getting up only to be pulled right back down. She started to tear.

"Chris please..let her go" i say trying to take her away from him.

"MARIAH back your pregnant ass up" he pushed me and ripped veyahs towel off. And bit his lip touching her chest moving down.

I was going to fight back thats my baby. She was beginning to cry.

I ran back to him and punched him dead in the face. I picked up vey and ran to her room and locked her door.

Veyah was crying. He had touched my baby.

He banged on the door repeatedly. Now both of us was crying. I held onto veyah and we sat there crying.

"M-mommy i wana leave" she screamed crying.

Then the door broke down..

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