Part 4

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Mariah p.o.v
I can't believe I said yes into moving in with him. What was I thinking. But now since I said yes I have to get Veyah and my stuff out that house.
I was at the gates waiting for them to open up. Once they open I drove down the hella bumpy street down to my complex station. I turned the car off and got out walking along side my building.
I finally reached my apartment I guess my mom was home because the door was open. Even tho the apartment was boarded up we can still use the door.
I walked in quietly.

My heart instantly dropped. The sound of my moms so called boyfriend was here instead of her.

"MARIAH I know u hear me talking to u" David said.

"I w-was at work" I said back.

I'm like terrified of him. He just sends a bad vibe. He kills, sells drugs, kidnap people, he does everything. He made to where every time Veyah comes in she starts crying and yelling for me.

"Shouldn't u be here..taking care of daddy" he says moving closer to me.

"Get the hell away from me David" I semi yelled.

"Baby girl I can take real good care of u come on" he says biting his lip. Standing behind me.

I punched him so hard in his gut and ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked my door.
I grabbed a duffle bag from my closet packing Veyah some clothes.
I was rushing putting everything in that Veyah may need and want. Once I was done with that. I grabbed another one and packed my stuff.
I was about to be done when he busted open my door charging at me.

"SO U WANA HIT AND SHIT I GOT U" he yelled taking off his shirt. He pushed me on the bed. Tears coming out my eyes. I fought to get up and fight every time he would touch me I punched him. My vision getting blurry because of my crying. Then...he smacks me fucking hard..I blacked out.

I woke up in a different bed a different room...where was I. I looked at what I wearing. I had on black basketball shorts and a oversized white t-shirt. I started crying because maybe David rapped me. I looked over beside me and saw Veyah. I grabbed her holding her tight.

"Siwssy stop me trying to sleewp"she yawned trying to go back to sleep.

" I'm sorry Vey " I cried a little more.

"Stwop crying. Auggie said if yowu cry to go get hiwm she says getting up from the bed running out the room.

Wait auggie? I yelled for her to come back but she didn't. I didn't know who hose we in and she just running around. I dried my face off with the shirt and ran after her.

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