Part 5

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August p.o.v

Chris wanted me to go help Mariah move. So I was following her to her old place. I was going wait till she came back out but I heard a scream. It sounded like her. I rushed out my car. I ran in her apartment and looked for her.

I finally found her in a room with a guy. This guy looked like he was about to rape her so I knocked him out. Picked her up and took her to my car. I went back in there and grabbed her bags and everything of hers.

I took her to the crib. She was in dirty clothes so I took the time to un dress her and put her in comfortable clothes. I gave her my shorts and shirt.

Then chris brung I'm guessing her daughter here. I told her to let Mariah sleep and if she woke up crying to come get me.

"Auggwie sissy crwying" the liddo girl came in my room.

Oh so its her sister.

"Here I-" I got cut off by her walking in.

"Where am I " she says. Looking around my room.

"We at chris' house gah" I say. Picking up the liddo one.

"How did we get here" she looked at the girl in my arms.

"Chris sent meh to come help u an I saw what had happen an I helped out. Then chris brings lil mama here wit meh." I say bein truthful.

"Come here Veyah" she says "thanks august.

I guess that's ha name.

"Sisswy chrws so cuwte" she says running to her sister.

"Shush Vey" Mariah says chuckling a lil bit.

"U welcome na...yall hungry or sumthin" I ask looking at them.

"Yes I'm stravwing"  Veyah says to meh. Holding her little tummy.

"Okay how bout I go to yall sum McDonald's" I laugh a little. She to cute.

"Please august" Mariah says.

"Ight na yall go sum where so I can get dress an head out" I say.

They leave an I go take a shower. Mariah was down right beautiful. So was her little sister. I put on sum sweats over my shorts threw on a sweat jacket and put on sum jordans. I grabbed my keys and headed out.

Mariah p.o.v

I smiled a little at august and I appreciated him helping me out. I went to the room I woke up in. I guess this is my room. I looke around it was a big ass room.

"Sisswy this our new house" Veyah ask me.

"Yes baby girl" I pick up one of the bags and start to un pack.

"I like this house" she says jumping on the bed.

I couldn't help but smile because Ka'Veyah now is more joyful she don't seem scared. And that's a good thing.

About 30mins august came back with our food. He came up to my room and we ate.

"So lil mama tell me ya name" he ask Veyah.

"I'm Ka'Veyah Lashae  Woods" she says with her some fries in her mouth.

"That's a pretty name Ka'Veyah" he says poking her chubby cheeks.

"And we all call her Vey" I say smiling.

"Oh ok how old are u Vey" he ask looking at her.

"I'm thrwee" she says trying to put up three fingers.

"Omg u olda den meh" he says.

"No I'm nowt agguie u oldwer than me" she says jumping yo into his lap.

Here is a quick update



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