part 30

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Chris p.o.v

I was having a bomb dream. When i get a pillow thrown at me. I instantly had gotten pissed. I sat up and seen it was Mariah.

"Why you do that for" i say in a calm tone.

"Time for yall to wake up" she says gently giving August a shove.

"He gets that and i get a pillow at my face" i say back.

"Yep" she says going back up the stairs.

"What time is it" august said.

"No c-" i got cut off.

"Daddy look me and sissy matching" veyah says running towards aug.

Damn...i miss that.

"Yall sho do" he picks her up.

Mariah came down with a sleeping Amiyah in a car seat, baby bag and her purse. She puts Amiyah on the floor alomg with the baby bag.

"Yall are cute matching " i say looking at them.

"Thanks" riah says. "Vey you going give your daddy hug"

"Mommy i did already" she gives August a hug.

"Veyah" riah says looking at her.

Veyah just runs outside.

"Welp ima get dressed gimme five" august says leaving the living room.

"Its okay riah...we still going talk to her tonight" i ask going towards my baby girl.

" go get dressed we have shopping to do" she replys sitting down looking outside the window.

I guess nothing is really going be the same anymore.
KaVeyah p.o.v

Hey you guys. I finally get a pov thingy.
The only reawson i dont wana talk to daddy chris is because what he did. I know that wrong. But why he do that to me. I have bad dreams about it. Mommy doesn't understand. So me try to stay away from daddy chwris.
Me trying to forget but itws hard.

I played outside till mommy and daddy auggie came out.

"Veyah come on we boutta leave" mommy says. She didnt have my sister with her.

"Where sissy"

"With me" daddy chris says behind me.
I ran to daddy auggie and held his hand.
He put me in the car and mommy put Amiyah next to me and buckled her in. She a sleepy baby. Then mommy got in next to her. Daddy auggie sat in front with the mean man.

*4 hours later*

Mariah p.o.v
My feet dead hurt. We been to every baby store there is. I was tired myself.

"Momma im sleepy " veyah said.

Chris was holding Amiyah and she was looking around.

And August was holding all the bags.

"Well come here baby ill hold you" i picked her up.

"Thanks mommy" she says kissing my cheek laying her head on my shoulder.

"I'a dont know bout yall but im hungry " august says.

"Me too momma" vey says.

I laughed alil

"Us to riah" Chris chimed in.

"Aweee yall hungry..well lets go home ill hungry Amiyah " i say poking her nose.

She just smiled.

"Lets go home then" i walked out of baby R's us.

We got home less than 20mins.
I put everything up and made a bottle for Amiy.

"Veyah wana feed sissy" i say going into the living room.

"Yaaasss" she ran and got the bottle from me. She sat down on the couch and chris put Amiy in her arms. Veyah looked scared when Chris toched her on accident. I walked over there and looked at veyah. She looked worried. When Chris sat next to her she didnt even wana feed her anymore .

"Never mind mommy" she took the bottle and put her down and i picked up Amiyah. Then she left the living room up the stairs.

"Ima step out..ehh ill be back soon" chris said looking like he was about to cry. He left.

"Want meh ta feed ha" august said.

"Umm..yeah i gotta get cooking" i gave him Amiy and i went upstairs to cheek on veyah.
I walked in her room and she was on her bed holding a teddy bear chris gave her when we first moved in here..
I sat on her bed and she was crying.

"Baby girl..what's can tell mommy anything you know that" i say rubbing her back. " you still scared of what daddy chris did.." i ask.
She then bust out in tears.

"M-mommy i have bad dreams bout i-it" she says crying more and she squeezed the bear tight.
I grabbed her and held her i baby has nightmares and i didn't have a clue..

"Im so sorry veyah..i promise it will never happen again...daddy chris is sooooo sorry okay.. He told me he promises it will never happen come you never told mommy you had bad dreams bout it" i say rocking her back and forth.

"Im scared promise he wont" she says.

"Yes baby i promise "i wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. "He wants to talk to you tonight okay..ill be there through everything okay"


"Veyah you have help with your bad dreams okay" i say looking at her in her eyes.

"O-okay mommy"

After that i help clean her face and she helped me with dinner.

Dinner was done and chris wasnt back yet. We ate and August put Amiyah in her room sleep.
We decided to watch a movie. We put in ' big hero 6' for veyah.
It was going on past her bedtime which was 9 and it was 10:30 ..Chris still isnt here.

"Veyah you sleepy " i ask her.

"Nope" she reply playing in August hair.

"Na you betta do a good job or ima be cryin" he say to her.

"I promise daddy"she says.

The movie continued and chris finally walkes in with two huge teddy bears one pink the other one purple. He had three huge bags.

"Ka'Veyah baby girl"


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