Part 6

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Mariah p.o.v

We all just stayed in my room and got to know each other. August or should I say Aug because he told us we would be the only ones calling him that. He is a nice and laid.back person. And Veyah already loves him. Veyah and I been trying to talk in his accent its cute because Veyah says baby just like him.

We all on my bed watching Frozen , btw Vey's choice. Till she fell sleep so now its just me and Aug.

"Wana watch sum else" he says sitting up.

"Yeah something scary but not to scary" I reply pulling Veyah from the bottom of the bed and covered her up and her in the extra bed Aug brung in here.

Aug put in a movie and came back to the bed. He took his sweats off leaving him in his basketball shorts and Nike socks.

He laid back in my bed and waited for the movie.

"It's not gud ta stare na" he says knocking me out my thoughts.

"Sush up nobody staring at you.

I got back in the bed. Laughing a little.

"What you put in" I say getting under the blanket.

Damn this bed soft as fuck.

"Wrong turn 4" he says looking at me.

"Go ta sleep we can do this tomorro" he kissed my forehead.

I think I just got wet. Omg.

Aug p.o.v

I like bein round them. I got ta kno both of them an they funny an cute. We spent tha while day in ha room. Mariah is beautiful. Ha an ha lil sista are down righ gorgeous. I seen Riah fallin sleep so I just gav ha a quick kiss on tha forehead and turned tha tv off an walked out ha room an closed tha door.

A niggah was gettin hungry. So I went to tha kitchen an got sum cereal. By tha time I finished Chris comes in.

"Wassup" he says taking off his hoodie.

"Nun much tha girls sleep. They unpacked an shit." I say puttin my bowel in the sink.

"Oh for real" he says goin ta tha snack cabinet.

Whateva snack you can possibly think if we got it from debbies ta well I don't kno we just got a lot damn snacks na.

"Umhm ima go ta sleep see ya in da mornin" I say dappin him an headed back upstairs ta my room.

Chris p.o.v

I was thinking about them all day. Mariah was going threw some shit and I wanted to help her so I let her move in with lil mama. I had August watch them. I had a lot if shit to do today at the trap. One of our niggas got gunned down. More shit on my plate.

I planned on getting to know them tomorrow after breakfast thake them out something. I like Mariah and I want to see how her relationships went to see if we can have one.

I went ahead and went to my room and popped in some random movie and laid back till I got sleepy.

Long day tomorrow.

What yall think ?



Roommates (August Alsina & Chris Brown)Where stories live. Discover now