Part 25

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Mariah pov
What Chris said to me..really got me. I know what he did and he knows to. I just can't forgive him...maybe soon I really don't know. But I think me putting him threw not seeing his daughter is just to much. And I know all you guys are like what the fuck . But I don't care.
I looked down at my baby. There she was just sleeping. August had came back and Chris is sitting in front of me.

" c-can I hold her" Chris asked.
I paused for a second...and gave him the baby.

"Be careful Chris" I looked at him I was becoming nervous.

"I got her" his whole faced changed from all sad and worried to smiling and proud. She looked just like him and a lil bit of me.

"She's beautiful " he rubbed her hair. "Soft hair like yours Mariah" he was teary-eyed .

"She beautiful riah" August said

"Yeah she is" I agreed . "Where's my other baby " I asked.

"She's doin fine na da docta said she just need ta stay hea fo a day so they kno fo sho she good" August said looking at me. "She fine i'a promise."

"Okay" I said.

"What we naming her" Chris asked.

After everything I've been threw with this whole thing it's a Blessing she made it here.
I wanted to name her something no one really has. but I couldn't really think of any names.

"What you think chris" I asked him.

"I like the name Royality " he said.

"For real na no" August said.

"She not yours so you don't get a say so" Chris looked at him and then back at our daughter.

"Nigga she mines jus like KaVeyah mine to" August argued back.

"Please stop , how bout we all name her...Chris give me the baby" I said on a verge of tears. I just wanted to relax and everything be okay.
He handed me her and looked back at August.

"No she not and I refuse you claiming her" he sat back down.

" Bet nigga" he yelled.

"You guys stop..your making her cry" i said looking at her she was about to cry then stopped once everything got quite.

" Amiyah" I said looking at my baby girl. Her cheeks where so chubby.

"I like dat name" August said.

"Yeah Amiyah is a pretty name for our baby Mariah." Chris said coming closer to the bed. He looked down at her and she opened her eyes and they were looking at each. She smiled at him and started playing with his fingers.

Roommates (August Alsina & Chris Brown)Where stories live. Discover now