Part 1

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Let's start off by my's Mariah Woods. I'm 18 and I live with my dysfunctional mom...and little sister Ka'Veyah she's 2. My mom is a crack head..and is a how u say woman of the night. So I've been taking care of Veyah by myself since she's been born. My dad left my mom when she had gotten pregnant with me. Mom says it's my fault he left. Smh no it's not no one said for u to open your legs and have me. But anyways...I'm independent. I try and help as much as I can I work. And help pay bills along with going to school. I'm the type if u get smart with me I be smart right back. Talk shit and u will be missing teeth. I try not to fight. But don't get me wrong I'll fight a bitch real quick. But I live in these run down apartments.And It's a hell hole walking threw at night with guys tryin to holla.
I play basketball.That's what keeps me pushing. Along with seeing my baby sis happy. Man she's my world I'd do any and everything for her.
But right now I'm struggling..I don't have any feed Veyah, to pay the bills..and my mom just spends her money getting her fix. She don't care if we go homeless. So my homie Juanya got me in his "business " and I have to weigh and count.
I know what yal saying...but it helps me with money. ( Mariah in MM)

I was doing the usual weighing. When Juanya comes in with these two dudes.

"Hey babysis..what u up to" he says giving me a hug.

"Doing what these niggahs can't do" I say good giving him a hug back.

"That's what I'm saying lazy people round here...cb,aug this my baby sis Mariah...Mariah this is Christopher and August" he's says showing me them.

I'm not going lie they both was sexy! Specially the light skinned one..Christopher righ ? But August is to sexy.

"H-hey" I say reaching my hand out.

"Wassup am I'm August, but t u can call me Aug" he says pulling me into a hug.

"Okay" we got our selfs a hugger I say to my self.

"And I'm Chris..but u can call me daddy" he said biting his lip.

"Aye Niggah " Juanya says. "Buts anyways so they my homies and they came to help" he finished.

I couldn't but laugh he really thinks I'm bout to call him daddy? Psh in his dreams. As they where talking bout some stuff with the house I kept getting glances from Chris. Like fr tho no need to keep staring it's not cute. As I sat back down in my chair I continued what I was doing before.

Chris p.o.v

Lil mama had some cake...for real though. As she sat back down I kept staring at her. She was beautiful. But I remember Juan telling us that's his sister. They been threw a lot. Makes me question why she here. She to beautiful to be here. I kept looking around getting use to the trap. My nigga was going be gone for a while. So he asked me and Aug to come and keep it on lock down.

"Aye yo cb u listening " Juanya says snapping me out my thoughts.

"Nigga yeah" I say back fixing my snap back.

"Like I was saying keep it civil I'll be gone for a minute watch out for my sis and baby girl" he said.

Wait who the fuck is baby girl ? I thought there was only Mariah.

"Ight go and talk get to know some of these people..I'll be in my office" he said sapping us and leaving towards the back.

Short I know..but how u like it so far??? Like comment please..
Much love ya girl Yaya

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