part 18

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Chris p.o.v

Man its been a total of three days. Mariah and KaVeyah both are down. And i know its all my fault. The doctor said that mariah passed put she was under alot of stress. And it harmed the baby. My baby...but shes okay now and is my baby girl. Yes mariah is having a girl. Now im an ass. I cant believe what i did to veyah. Mariah had told me. And to be honest i really i dont have no clue what had happen to me that day. All i rember is smoking with Q. Thats it.
Every day i check on veyah. And i cry because i swear i didnt mean foe nun of this to happen..i just wanted me and mariah and veyah to be a family..with out August.
I was interrupted by mariah.

"Chris leave...i dont want you here" she cried.

"Riah please..i told you i didnt mean it" i held her hand, only for her to snatch away.

" bye chris" she cried more. Hitting me.

I aint going lie that shit hurt like a bitch. Ahe fucked up my face the other day im still bleeding from my nose.

"Mariah...plase stop your hurting our baby girl" i said.
Then she stopped.

"Get the fuck out Christopher " she yelled and called a nurse.

They escorted me out.


Mariah p.o.v

When chris told me that i was hurting our baby girl. I just wanted to kill him. After all he done why does he still have to be here. He got what he wanted. I just want me and veyah...and the other baby to be okay without him. I sat there and cried then the doctor walked in.

"Mrs...bro-" i cut him off.

"Its Woods"

"Ms. Woods.. Well theres good news...would you like to hear" he sat down beside the bed i was in.

"Sure" i sighed. Hes been in here over one hundred times. All with good news.

" kaveyah is starting to move around" he said.

My eyes suddenly grew big.

"Let me see my baby" i tried getting up, but it hurt.

"Ill have the nurses bring her bed in here" he said checking on the machine.

Roommates (August Alsina & Chris Brown)Where stories live. Discover now