part 28

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Chris p.o.v

I was rocking my baby to sleep. Its only been two weeks since we came home with her and things been good so far. But veyah still hasnt talked to me...ive done everything i can possibly think of and its no hope. Mariah and i are are going to talk to her tonight.
My baby was not having it shes been up since 3 this morning and its 11 now. And i havent been to sleep either since then. I figured if i put her to sleep i could get at least an hour sleep.

"Amiyah baby girl you not sleepy" ask knowing she wont reply back.
She just stared at me.

I sat on the couch and turned on the tv . i know vey be up soon. As if on cue vey comes walking from upstairs rubbing her head and yawning rihht behind her was August.

"Good mornin " aug said.

"Good morning "

"Daddy i wana watch bubble guppies" vey said pulling on August shorts.

"Aight baybeh girl..chris can ya change da channel " he asked.

With no hesitation i turned it on for her.

She sat down watching the tv.

"Riah still sleep" i asked aug.

"Yea she been up wit dat lil one" he says pokin her stomach. She instantly smiled.
"Dem chubby cheeks " he sat down and vey climbed in his lay and watch her show.

Mariah p.o.v
I woke up peaceful. No crying no nothing. I smiled a little because chris is doing more than i expected. When i came home from the hospital him and aug did everything. Chris and August made Amiyah's room. And its like wow.
Chris drew alot over the walls and put Amiyah's name over the wall in lavender and pink.
And im pretty sure she has the biggest crib there is. There plush lavender carpet covering the whole floor. Two rocking charis one him and one for me. He said its best. He bought everything from diapers to bottles,wipes,pacifiers, formula everything. And today hes taking me shopping for clothes for her.

I got up and took a shower. And as everything goes every body has there own room..except when vey or when miyah i want Amiyah to sleep in my room.

Roommates (August Alsina & Chris Brown)Where stories live. Discover now