part 16

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The door broke down...

Mariah p.o.v
I looked at chris while tears flowing out my eyes holding Veyah even tighter.

"Really bitch" he spit some blood out. " Put her down"
He walked towards us.

"N-no m-mommy don't" Veyah screamed.

"Chris she's a" I cried keeping hold of her.

"Bi-" he got cut off by his phone so I took that time to run to the bathroom and lock it.

"Veyah baby..u okay" I looked her up and down
She was red all over. Red, puffy , eyes her nose was red. My poor baby.

" m-mommy I wana Lea-ave " she cried more grabbing my legs.

"I know baby I'm so sorry it's not going happen again" I cried hugging her.

"Aye....yall get dressed..we gotta leave in 10mins" chris said so calmly.
" And..I'm sorry , let's put that in the past and think bout the baby Mariah..please" he tried opening the door.

"Chris u hurt her u dumb ass bitch" I yelled threw the door.

"I know...I'm sorry.. I don't know what got into me. Please don't leave me Mariah." He sighed and sound like he was about to cry.

"Mommy.." Veyah passed out.

"Oh my god..Veyah baby" I picked her up holding her. " Wake up" I yelled a little. She wasn't breathing.
I opened the door crying. I looked at chris and just drop he grabbed a hold of her.

"What's wrong" he started to tear.

"I-I don't k-know" I cried out. He picked her up and I followed him into her room.
He rushed getting her dressed. And I put some clothes on. Sweats and a plain white shirt and some black chucks.

He put her in the car and told me to keep an eye on her. My baby wasn't moving. I cried and cried. I missed her over and over on the cheek. I hope she's okay. Chris ran every stop light we got to the hospital in less than 5 minutes.
He ran in the hospital and came back with like 20 nurses.
They took her away from me. Chris pulled in a parking stop and turned the car off.

"She's...going be okay..come on" he grabbed a hold of my hand. And I snatched away.

"U fucking did this u bastard" I yelled.
He started hugging me I punched him in the chest multiple times. And he didn't budge.

" I'm sorry...okay" I felt rain start coming down.
Chris picked me up and carried me into the hospital.

We waited for hours. I was going crazy. What's wrong with my baby.

Chris p.o.v
I know...yall hate me well i don't give a fuck. She's hurt. I don't know what got into me. But once I seen KaVeyah not breathing I wanted to kill my self. I blacked out I don't even remember what I did or what had happen.
Mariah was going a-wall. She won't stop screaming at the nurses but I wouldn't blame her. No one is telling us anything. They finally told her if she don't calm down that there're going to kick her out.

"Mariah.." I said looking at her.

"W-what chris" she said trying to dry her tears.

"I'm sorry..I don't even remember what I did...I-I blacked out..." I say putting my elbows on my knees. I started to get watery eyes.

Mariah just got up and walked off.

Mariah p.o.v
I needed to throw up. All the crying, worrying, the baby, Ka'Veyah , and the devil himself Chris....I can't believe he did that I know he knows what he did. I cried and am still crying. I ran into a doctor. And I had to ask about my baby for the 1000th time.

"Do you have any news about KaVeyah Ariel Woods?" I asked. I couldn't stop shaking.

"Oh you must be her mother" he said looking at his papers he had in his hand.


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