Everyone Wants You

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Inspired by a song called, "Everyone wants you" by Johnny Orlando

Also, I want to thank Lost_MySoul13 for making me the happiest girl alive. I want to say I love you so so so much, babycake. I don't want to lose you. I will fight for you and for us no matter how big the bump on the road is. We will get through this. I love you, baby. You're my Lena to my Kara 🥺❤


Lena Luthor Pov:

These couple of days. I've been trying my best to not be jealous and hiding my feelings so I don't have to ruin (Y/N)'s day. It's difficult and overwhelming hiding this from (Y/N). I can't take another minute or two when we walk into the bar. Everyone starts hitting on you and buying you free drinks that I can buy for you. I watch you and them. Wondering will you choose me all over again or them. When (Y/N) walks into a room, who can brighten up the room and everyone's eyes are all on (Y/N).

I know it's selfish of me to get jealous when I already have them to call mine. I can't handle standing here and watch you every time they talk to (Y/N). I know for a fact they are going to fall for you. Paying attention to what you're told, following the rules, don't take risks, and doing what you're supposed to be doing like a good kid.

We both know they want you as their own and take you to their mother to show them how perfect and amazing you are. I don't know what to do because everyone wants you. If I'm yours, tell me what you're going to do. Tell me again you love me and I'm yours. Tell me you don't like them. Wishing back to when you look at me the same way as we first started dating. The way you look at your reflection when I stand behind you and telling you that you're the most beautiful and remarkable woman I have ever seen in my lifetime. Those watering eyes when you turn around and look at me with full of passion. It made my heart stepping rocks across the water. Making me want to spend my life with you. Telling me that I'm the only person who loves you as who you are and not your body.

Now, everyone is watching you. They want you. I can tell you're loving the attention that I can't always give you when I'm overthinking the situation and jealous that I can't be them.

You and I both know that I don't wish to let you go but I've been holding on to this feeling too long. Making me drive into my work than explaining how I feel. Now, I'm terrified because everyone wants you. Making me run out the door, running to the locked car. Making me burst down into tears. I see (Y/N) inside grabbing their coat at the bar to run after me when I couldn't stand the feeling of (Y/N) being with someone that isn't me. I'm not alone because (Y/N) kneeling, wrapping their coat around me, holding my hands, and wiping my tears away in the rain.

"I love you, Lena Kieran Luthor. You're mine forever until my last breath on this Earth. I'm going to do is marry you, call you my wife, and having a mini you running around telling me all the numbers in pi. I'm yours for eternity. And your mine."

Making my heart burst into fireworks. Leaning forward to (Y/N) to touch that soft lips with my own. This kiss is not all the same as those cheesy films you see on the Netflix home page but drowned in a thrilling passion that keeps you on your toes. It's the promise of our reality, of the feeling of desire that lives in us. And when it's up, attached within, embraces the same lustful to our soulmate and that's (Y/N). This kiss makes me feel the dizziness, a firm embrace and felt like I'm home.

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