I Want To Quit

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Prompt by MachoNachoKennedy
Having a discussion in the DEO with the superfriends about what happened this afternoon with a new alien on the loose. Seeing Nia raising her hand.

"What do we start first, Alex?"

"So, our number one enemy is-"


Everyone looking at Lena like she's a crazy person.

"It's was only a greeting, Lena. And also, that was a week ago."

Lena rolling her eyes at me and crossing her arms not amused by my answer.

"If I fuck you in this table again, will you calm down and believe me?"

Lena raising an eyebrow. And everyone is looking at each other and speechless how this innocent meeting went to something that was expected from Lena and (Y/N).

Seeing Alex walking in front of Jonn, "JONN? I WANT TO QUIT!"

Kara and James looking at each other and moving far away from the table, "Again?"

Brainy looking at (Y/N) and Lena, "Wait, GIRLFRIENDS?"

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